My year in a few pictures


e publius unum
A few images from my year.











Great stuff Tom.Your photo work is really something.Would you be willing to help out a guy with some close up photograpy tips?
James Whitten

Where was the photo of the F-22 taken ? The soviets have their own version of it called the T-50.
Google it.
Great pics of ALL !
Your photographic skills are amazing, Tom.....'beach girl' in the clouds is 'way cool.

Thanks so much for sharing these. -Al
Would you be willing to help out a guy with some close up photograpy tips?
James Whitten

James? James Whitten from Alabama, used to shoot with us at Riverbend? First person ever to shoot a 500 100 & 200 VFS at our club, loooong before 30 BR days?

Sure, what do you need? What do you want to shoot and with what?
Here is one more picture, very representative of my year. Last January found me very overweight and out of shape and determined to change things. One of the major changes to my life that I started last year was a daily exercise routine. During the year I discovered bicycling and found that I really enjoy it; it has now elevated to the level of an addiction. I did my first century (100+ mile ride) last October and ride at least 20 miles every day.

BTW: Dropped at least another 20 pounds since this. If you need to lose weight, this activity will flat take it off, you burn as much as running but without the impact loads. Even my minimum 20 mile ride burns around 1100 calories.

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Tom, this cat look familiar????? My daughters cat Arizona.



My cat says he has never been to Arizona and even if he has he never had any "relations" there. Any supposed resemblance to my cat is purely cooincidental and inquiries should be forwarded to his lawyer. ;-)
James? James Whitten from Alabama, used to shoot with us at Riverbend? First person ever to shoot a 500 100 & 200 VFS at our club, loooong before 30 BR days?

Sure, what do you need? What do you want to shoot and with what?

Yep thats me.I would like to be able to make better pictures of the knives I make.I have a Canon Powershot S3 IS.Nice camera,has more features than I know what to do with.I pull of some good ones every now and then,but not consistantly.I will try to post a picture of some of my work.

By the way,good job on the execise routine.Your looking very fit.
This talk of bicycle riding and losing weight makes me feel bad. I rode every day until about 4 1/2 years ago when we got another dog. The dog and I now take a walk every day, but it's hardly the same as peddling a bike. I need to bring mine in from the shed and set it up on its stand and peddle away down in the family room. Much better than hammering away on a treadmill when it's freezing and snowy.
Yep thats me.I would like to be able to make better pictures of the knives I make.I have a Canon Powershot S3 IS.Nice camera,has more features than I know what to do with.I pull of some good ones every now and then,but not consistantly.I will try to post a picture of some of my work.
By the way,good job on the execise routine.Your looking very fit.

Knife maker, huh? Very nice work and more than a little cooincidental. I make some money shooting pictures of gold and silvcer coins, there are a number of web sales sites that use my work. I adapted my coin shooting technique from what I learned from a couple of guys who specialized in custom knife pictures. I'm trying hard to remember their names but at the time (around 2006) they both made a decent living catering to high end makers.

The secret for metal objects is in the lighting and camera placement to get the reflection JUST SO. A tripod is an absolute must. Two pictures below, one a sample of my coin shot and the other a picture of my camera setup as I'm taking a coin shot. This is an adaption from the pro knife photographers. I traded posts with them for several months at a knife forum and met them at the Atlanta Knife show and watched them work. I also copied their use of backgrounds.

You need intensive lighting and some sort of diffusing material to keep from creating hot spots. That's what my "light box" is for.

Send me a PM with your phone number if you want me to help you pursue this. Way too much info to type it.


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It makes me feel guilty to see someone standing behind their bicycle that has air in the tires !
I have a like new one in the garage that the tires on it are flat. I spent what I thought was a fortune on it and it just sits there. If I could figure out a way to ride it and let my Lab "Lil" run along side it without causing a crash, I think I would air up the tires and give it another try, I sure have the pounds to lose !
Dan Batko

"Where are we going and why am I in this basket?"
If you feel really bad and it's a very nice bike, like a carbon fiber Canondale or similar, you could perhaps lessen the guilt by giving it to me!
If you feel really bad and it's a very nice bike, like a carbon fiber Canondale or similar, you could perhaps lessen the guilt by giving it to me!
It's a "Rockhopper" by Specialized. I started cleaning out the garage this weekend so I could get to it. I may ride it yet, but thanks for the offer.

Dan Batko

"Where are we going and why am I in this basket?"
If you don't mind I will just add a few "different" kinds of pictures I took this year. Obviously, my camera is not so good and my skill level is weak.

Medal of Honor Flag at the burial of Col Robert Howard


White on white of a man known and respected.


Silhouttes of crows and buzzards roosting together


A worried baby



Buffalobob, you've got an eye and, apparently, the desire to take good shots; it may be that you could benefit from a dslr. You can get into a very capable entry level camera for around $400.