My new benchrest rifle...

Now that the gun is pretty much done, I will try to get some better pictures. We'll see if Photobucket will let me post this.


Try again... That's better. I'll delete the above.

This is the pic that was supposed to be in the post above image from Photobucket.

Anyway, there's a few detail left to do and a lot of tuning. It's not shooting like it did a year ago when I shot it in the pattern stocks.
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Try again. O.K. this is the other side of the completed rifle. The color is washed out here. The one above is better. Again, image by Imgur.
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The first target I shot in the rifle's first match. The range was 100 yds. I kinda yanked on the trigger on the number one bull... new gun, new trigger, three years of very little shooting. What can I say?

I think there's potential here. This is an 8-1/4 lb. gun with an 8X scope.
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I shot the Ruger in it's third match Saturday with really terrible results. It was the second worst score I have ever shot, the only worse one was in my first match ever when I shot my little Sako .308 hunting rifle. That was forty years ago.

I either have a scope problem or a fore-end bedding problem or both. Since it's nearly a month till the next match I have time to try to find out and correct the problem. I have another Unertl here that will fit and I will try that first.

I didn't have any time last week to work on the gun. My wife was in the hospital and that kept me really busy. I did have 50 sized and primed cases and simple picked a load and dumped powder and seated bullets. Glorya was home by Saturday and I had a volunteer "Granny sitter" and could go to the match.

The load I picked was Sierra's accuracy load for a duece with 52 gr. bullets... 24.6 gr. of IMR 4895. It proved to be too hot. The gun was about 5" off when we started (?????) and it took me a while to sight it in. Then my first two shots for record were good X's. Alas, everything went straight to 'ell from there. About the only thing I know is that the gun does not like hot loads... and 24.6 gr. ain't that hot in a .222.

Lots of work to do. I honestly think this gun can be made to shoot and shoot well. We'll see.

FWIW the target above is the best target I have shot with the gun.
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I switched scopes and shot this morning. I used Remington's old load of 23-1/2 gr. of 4895. I got four good groups (out of four) between 2/10" and 4/10". The gun will shoot. When I first went to sight in this morning i found the scope was loose after a shot or two. I tightened the scope mounts good (finger tight... no pipe wrenches) and everything went perfectly.

Now I have to see if can do the same with my own scope. The one I used is borrowed from a friend.

Immensely relieved. It's almost two years since I started making and stocking this gun.
Dick, I hope your wife is out of the hospital and doing well.

Glorya was hugely dehydrated... she lost seventeen lbs. in a week or two. (Her normal weight is 115 and she was down to 98.) She got properly hydrated in the hospital and a major change in medications. She is home and much better now.
That's pretty scary! Glad they got her some fluids. It's a reminder how fast things can go off the rails health-wise and how we have to be more vigilant the older we get.
That's pretty scary! Glad they got her some fluids. It's a reminder how fast things can go off the rails health-wise and how we have to be more vigilant the older we get.

Really scary if you consider that she lost nearly 20% of her body weight. Thank God she started to look better just a few hours after they hooked her up to the drip. She's much, much better now, home and things are returning to normal which means she has plenty of time to patiently explain to me the error of my ways... she's pretty articulate at doing this.

Anyway, I had no time to mess around with the gun or anything else for a while and the results were a complete disaster shooting wise. We used to have ten matches a year in Harrison and I have gone a whole season without dropping a point a few times.

I know a fellow who once worked at Unertl and he has been giving me a few pointers re: making sure the scope is good. Before I show up at a match again I will do whatever it takes to make sure the scope is good. I remain convinced that the gun is capable of being competitive in Factory Class. I hope I'm successful with this scope because I really don't want to buy another one. You know what Unertls sell for nowadays?
Unertls are THE classic scope

I have felt the pull many times, but haven't got there yet. A classic single shot with a Unertl was the iconic rifle I lusted after in my youth. I can certainly understand why you went that route. One would have to drop into my lap complete, because I don't have the stamina or funds to assemble it from components.
You and me both. I sold my last benchrest rifle and used the dollars to finance this project. I just can't get around enough to be serious about BR anymore. I found the Unertl at a gunshow at a very good price. Then I got a good deal on the Ruger action. The rest is documented in this thread. I figured making a gun like this shoot well enough so as not to embarrass myself would be a challenge. After my last match, make that EMBARRASS.

I have a good friend who has several classic single shots by name makers like Griffin & Howe and Shelhamer. He lets one go occasionally. Since they don't have the mass appeal of a .270 mountain rifle, they aren't as expensive on the collector's market but you are still looking at $3000.00 t0 $4000.00 for a good one with a Unertl. The Unertls are getting really expensive. I'd like a 1-1/2" Unertl Target in 15X or thereabouts for this gun. That would cost me in the $650.00 to $800.00 range if I could find a good one. Unertls are quite active on eBay and there are too many people looking to ever get a real deal.
What does one check to make the scope is good that is very valuable information for someone like myself.

What does one check to make the scope is good that is very valuable information for someone like myself.


All I'm going to check is to see if there are any burrs on the scope bases and if there is any problem where the mounts fit over them. Burrs can make it tricky to get a solid, secure tightening of the scope to the rifle. I sent it out to the scope repair guy in Ohio when I got it and he said everything was fine. He told me that it was made in 1940 and that, based on condition, it may never have been on a gun. He also told me to use a quarter in the slot to tighten the mounts to the bases. I have been just using my fingers so I will probably get them a little snugger. I am very reluctant to use more force than is necessary... which may have been my problem.

As far as the internals of the scope, I won't even try to mess with that.
unertl repair guy

Dick what's the name of the guy that works on Unertls. I have one that needs cleaned and maybe one lens might need reglued.

Again great rifle.

Pardon me

Dick what's the name of the guy that works on Unertls. I have one that needs cleaned and maybe one lens might need reglued.

Again great rifle.


for jumping in, but Iron Sight works on them however there is a significant dwell time...12 to 16 months.
Dick that little screw in upper right hand corner on the rear mount can need minor adjustments from time to time. What I do is secure the barrel in a padded vise and put a dial indicator on top of the end of the bell. The magnet base is attached to the flat on the side of the vise and I then start clicking the elevation adustment and watch how far the indicator needle moves. If not equal going through at least a full turn I then tighten that little screw until it does. I then move the indicator to the side of the bell and check the same for windage. If done right it will turn a bad scope into a very good one. That is if the lens are not separating and quite typical but easy to see if so and the spring and plunger are moving freely. It is also wise to check the fit of the front mount to the Pope Rid and easy to correct if needed. I hope this is somewhat helpful and as you said the bases are very prone to burrs developing if over tightened and simple enough to just stone them off.

tuning unertl

Dick that little screw in upper right hand corner on the rear mount can need minor adjustments from time to time. What I do is secure the barrel in a padded vise and put a dial indicator on top of the end of the bell. The magnet base is attached to the flat on the side of the vise and I then start clicking the elevation adustment and watch how far the indicator needle moves. If not equal going through at least a full turn I then tighten that little screw until it does. I then move the indicator to the side of the bell and check the same for windage. If done right it will turn a bad scope into a very good one. That is if the lens are not separating and quite typical but easy to see if so and the spring and plunger are moving freely. It is also wise to check the fit of the front mount to the Pope Rid and easy to correct if needed. I hope this is somewhat helpful and as you said the bases are very prone to burrs developing if over tightened and simple enough to just stone them off.
heard of.


Thanks for posting that information on fine tuning Unertl scopes. That's something I've never heard of.

Dick what's the name of the guy that works on Unertls. I have one that needs cleaned and maybe one lens might need reglued.

Again great rifle.


The guy I am referring to is temporarily out of business caring for a sick relative. He has answered a couple of emails but is doing no work till further notice.

However, Bill Ackerman's company is still in business and will work on Unertls. I called Cheryl there a while back about boosting this scope to 12X and installing a dot and she said she could do it and quoted me 6 weeks delivery. Contact her at...
Ph: 915-740-4290

The guy in Ohio is a good guy but simply can't work right now. I asked him to let me know when he's back in business and I will supply contact information at that time. People that work on Unertls are getting hard to find.

Your welcome just becareful with that little screw. I have done several that way and so far its worked out very well. If the screw is to loose and quite typical the adjustments get very erratic. It might jump .010 with one click and then non the next etc. it will also stiffen up the clicks making them very positive. I hope it works as well for you as it has me and if to tight you won't be able to turn the thimble sort of a fine line as it does not really take that much to adjust it from being to tight or to loose the indicator will let you know when its just right.

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