My first 600 yard match St Louis Pics up!!


Active member
Well i have completed my first ever 600 yard benchrest match. it was a lot of fun and even humbling at times. Completely different game than point blank. Ron Boyd stole the show and i couldn't be any happier, as Ron has become a real friend of mine. He is a good man to say the least!! I finished in the upper 50% and that was my target goal. I thought i was 12th but i think i actually finished 18th out of around 50 shooters i do believe. I think i read the results wrong so to those who i told i was 12th i don't think i was, overall. I did tie for high score with my Boyd in LG ( i think) but Mr Ron Boyd had the smaller group so no trophy there. I'm telling you fellas Ron shot solid all day long!!! Mike Eshleman also shot a tough game today going home with his fair share of wood. Really a lot of fellas shot well today. My good friend Jay Cutright shot well, as did some of the other Marshall Illinois gang. There was a lot of good shooting today even with the high winds. I cant remember all there names as i meet a lot of new people over the last couple days. There was a couple fellas from Arkansas that shot well. Jerry copell (i hope i said that right) put on a great shoot and it was ran real smooth. Not a hitch. Had a lot of fun. I shot a new rifle that i didn't have the time to work a load up for or had even shot so i was real happy with how i did. i think i will attend a few more of those 600 yard matches in the near future. I know i am leaving a lot out on this but to tell you the truth i am tired and brain blocked this evening so hopefully some other fellas can fill in the gaps for us. here are a few pics i took today for you fellas. I am no photographer but here you go. It will take me a little time to down load them all so please be patient. Lee










The ugly fat fella cleaning the rifle is yours truly!! LOL!!!
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Skeetlee i'm not a competition benchrest shooter- i hope it is ok for me to congratulate you here. It looks like one of them perfect days you have for a day of enjoying life! What a nice looking range to!
what do you mean?that is my smile. LOL!! I did have a lot of fun, the winter has been a long one for me and the day was much needed. Lee
Nice pictures. Great looking those benches built with sonatubes......a lot more leg room and more vandal proof (idiots shooting into them) than block (CMU's).
I would recommend to cover the scope lenses during cleaning. Is your rest set-up pictured? How about pics of your range -in -progress?

Oh, and another tip I learned from the ol' timers, Alway's wear shorts and have a lit cigar on the bench ........both help in condition reading;)
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Thanks for the great pics. You remind me of Bart Sauter.;)

What Rifle did You Use?, ie, special built for 600 yard Competition.
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I will keep those tips in mind. Wait, i don't think i even own a pair of shorts!! My rifle is one heck of a rifle let me tell ya. I only wish i could serve it justice. It is a BAT MB sitting in a terry Leonard 600 yard stock 17lb. 45x Leupold. I need to keep some leather caps made for it. I hate the screw in kind of range time. Keeping it put up the screw in kind are great. My barrel is a new Krieger chambered by my man Jon Beanland. Like i said i just got the rifle done a week before the shoot so i had no idea as to what the barrel wanted as far as a load. I had to blow out brass on the way to work. I took an old rusty stop sign from work and put it out in one of our corn fields so i would leave for work early and shoot that sign for 5 shots every morning this past week so i would have some brass for the record targets. I had some old brass for sighters. Not the best situation but it worked out. I used the letter o in STOP to zero the rifle at 150 yards so when i got to the range i went up 90 clicks and my first shot hit the gong. I got lucky there. I could have easily burned up a lot of sighters i really didn't have to spare. Bottom line was that i probably shouldn't have even gone to the shoot, but i had some really good friends going and i wanted to go.
Like i said before i had a lot of fun and i did as well as i could have expected. I realize that i play to many different games to really be competitive any any certain one, but maybe one day i will settle in on one discipline but then again maybe not??
The range there in st Louis is first class all the way. I haven't been to many others but i can imagine anything much nicer that this one. The sona tube legs do have more leg room but the benches are not without a little fault. I'm not sure you can see it but down at the base or where the tubes go below the concrete pad, there is some type of silicone rubber as an expansion joint. If you push hard enough against the bench it will move a bit. I really don't see it as a big problem but you need to be aware of it i think. Hope you enjoyed the pics. I thought i had taken more but i think the memory card got full or something?? We got 'Er Done Though!!!! Lee
who makes the yellow rest, and front rest on that pic, and who makes the aluminum stock for the 17 pound class, looks neat

Skeet, that is the only problem with St Louis. My first time there, I was practicing with my Rail Gun, and suddenly noticed the crosshairs move about 1 inch. Cecil Tucker was behind me, and was pushing against the bench. He laghed and said, "don't lean on them". You get used to it , though.

You left out one detail. What caliber?.....jackie
Those tubes are what I was talking about several years ago when we were discussing building benches.

So your the guy who drives around shooting all of the stop signs.Out here all of our deer crossing signs have orange disks on the deers nose was that you?
nope not me. I only shoot the rusted bent ones in the scrap pile behind the city building in which i work. LOL!!!
The chambering on my rifle was a 6 dasher. The dasher seems to be the chambering of choice in that area. I would say probably 5 dashers for every one of anything else. A couple buddies of mine were shooting 7mm and a 30cal. you know the drill. a few 6br's a few 6.5's mostly dashers though!!
I will tell you though, It is amazing how much a 20mph wind will blow even a long 6mm 105vld around. Friday afternoon there was a 20mph right to left wind when i zeroed in. Saturday morning was the complete opposite at around 20mph come match time. I shot my first sighter and it didnt hit the gong. I shot a few more and they didnt hit the gong. I was about to start freaking out when i finally seen the impact at 3 feet right of the gong and way low under the target frames. The funny thing was my one real bad target of the day, and only real bad target was in an almost calm condition. I did have an issue with my rifle sitting on top of the rifle stop but you would have thought it would have been the best target of the day?? Fun game. I can really see why so many folks enjoy it.
you were talking about building a long range rifle at one time. Did you ever get started on that project? Lee
Yeah I was kind of poking some fun in your direction on that one.
If you can look up a poster by the name of HBC or Henry Childs he was promoting the 6mm's for atleast 10 years now while hearing you can only do it with a big boomer in 30 superdupermagnum.The naysayers were only 10 years behind the times on that one but did manage to chase him off which is very unfortunate.
Read the posts by a guy named Bill Calfee and simply wait and you will see the exact same thing happening.
Lee, I have everything on the drawing board. The fact that we have that 600 yard range up in Huntsville is like the Sirens calling Jason and The Argonauts to the life of total bliss.

As soon as they add a couple of hours to the day, I promise I will get it all together.

Incidentally. it's Sunday, and I am sitting in my office, at work, right now........jackie
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no to mention we lost an hour today to daylights savings time today. At least we did here in the midwest. .......... Lee
Incidentally. it's Sunday, and I am sitting in my office, at work, right now........jackie[/QUOTE?]

and how is that different from being 500 miles from home on a Sunday, sitting in a motel, working on presentations for a Monday appointment, Jackie? There are a lot of us who work 24/7
We just got back tonight, Had a great time there, as usual Jerry put on won GREAT match. (And even manage to shot in it and did well.) They had a great turn out, way more people than expected. Great Pictures

Looked like a beautiful day. Congrats on shooting well, good gun to. Are you still thinking about the Shamrock? Hope so, the wife and I will be there. After that, I hope to get started on the range again. From the sound of things and emails I get, it seems there may be more interest in shooting 600yds that short range BR around here. I was going to put off finishing the 600yd range until later but maybe thats the wrong approach.
