My almost BIG, BIG, BIG whoops!



For as long as I can remember I've had a can of RL25 sitting on the top left corner of my tool box in my reloading room. This can has served as my "catch all" for little bits of powder loitering in the trickler, mystery loads that I don't trust, or whatever. When it got about half full I'd take it outside and make my little piles and have my own little fireworks display.

Well, as some know for three years I was running around in the middle east doing the State Departments bidding. I've been home for about 7 months now and I got the itch to "make the bullets" the other night so I decided to cook up some 300-338 Lapua Magnum loads for my boomer as there is a coyote shoot this January that I plan on attending.

Well, someone, somehow, sometime moved that can of powder from the tool box to where I keep my propellants and as luck would have it I grabbed it thinking it was good ol RL25. :eek::eek:(I think it was when girly decided to help clean house. This room also serves as my office at home so she's all too willing to help "womanize" the man cave. (I love this girl to death!)):D

THANKFULLY I discovered my mistake about ten rounds into the game. Some funny looking little dots of powder were sticking to the funnel of my drop tube. The dots are either Win 748 or H110. Neither of which have any business being inside a 338 lapua case!

No harm done other than the pride and ego taking a licking. The can is right back where it's supposed to be now with a big ol wrap of green masking tape labled "JUNK POWDER"!

I offer this as a friendly reminder to anyone that hasn't been around the bench in awhile. Always double check your work!!


Can anybody say SETUP!!!!!!!


C'MON man! putting junk powder INTO A POWDER CAN?????

Thank you for sharing Chad but WHAT WERE YOU THINKING MAN? :eek:


Nearly blew a spleen there......

Back when everybody smoked, I occasionally dropped a bit of Fg in the ash trays.....

Me too :)

I was gunsmithing and working the counter in a gunstore in the 80's, cribbage and smoke was the afternoon-to-close part of the job. A little powder in the ashtrays happened.........

BTW, Sorry Chad if I came on strong, it was as much a reminder for me as for you.... sorry if it seemed directed AT you...... I just felt that one in my gut. :)

I've done some dumb stuff.

Loaded a block of .243AI's with VV130 when the measure was set for 4831SC .....Sierra 107's....... just a quicky, showing a buddy how quick it was to "whip up a few rounds......."

I was walking to the shooting bench with him in tow, gonna' have him try out the gun.......


No one I will take this opportunity to THANK YOU FOR RUNNING AROUND IN THE MIDDLE EAST FOR US. Welcome home.

An ethical lawyer! Thought they were extinct.

As a favorite quoted from ABRAHAM LICOLIN "Here lies a lawyer and and honest man". "Strange custom they have in this part of the country, burring two to the grave".

The longer you mess with this stuff the more prone you are to having these potential "screw-ups" Thanks for sharing this information with us.
Lawyers are like cops..... All the rednecks badmouth 'em until something goes bump in the dark........ then it's "HELP me PLEASE!" :eek::eek::eek::eek:...... and "what took you so long, wahhhh.."

I have nothing but respect for lawyers regardless Ol' Abe knew how to reach the hearts of his constituents.


After seeing my reload setup a "friend" said "You are just as nerdy as ever." Since I reload several cartridges I have each of the caliber specific items in a seperate drawer. I open that drawer when I am reloading that cartridge and I don't have the other drawers open. I will not reload when there is someone else around. The distractions are just too easy.
thanks Chad

a good safety reminder to all. old wise tale is a word to the wise is sufficient. in my old house i had carpeting in my reloading room. when i would have a little spill i would leave it to the sweeper to pick it up. well i related this story to my local gundealer and they warned me of the hazards of a blown sweeper and how plastic schrapnel would not make the misses pleased. well the carpet went fast.

now for lawers, in my opinion they are the vultures of american society. a nessisary evil. just like when one gets married, one usually gets a mother in law too. YUK & PIA

This is not the first time I have heard good things about Mr. Salazar,and not all of them from him,either.Chad, that was a good catch,kinda of scary to think what-if! Thank you for your service and welcome home. Lightman
My big OH Sh*t!

I used to be a chief flight instructor at the largest flight school in my state. I had a standing instruction for all my instructors, "Instruct all your students to never, ever say, "Oh sh*t", if something goes wrong during a flight. According to the FAA this phrase preceeds about 95% of all aircraft accidents.

Now to my almost oh sh*t moment. I was loading for my AR-50 50 BMG rifle and took down a 1 pound can of powder placed on the shelf. It was somewhat low and I knew I was going to need a second pound of powder to finish loading. When I got the second pound of powder, I noticed that the first can was different as it was not in a round Hogdons can and it was VV550 - not H50BMG. What a moment that would have been - touching off 215 grains of VV550 behind a Hornady 750 grain A-Max.

Sure glad I did not use the magic phrase.