Mram does Kentucky play today?

Cc, considering we beat them twice and they lost their best big to an acl, it looked to be in UKs favor. I’ve watched them all season and they looked great especially against unc
I am a Bama grad. Unfortunately, my oldest son attends Auburn. Due to my investment, I am pulling for Auburn. You had to know they were going to beat Kentucky if you have been watching Auburn play. I pick them to win it all.

My first girl friend went to Auburn. I'll have to go with TT as my Son, Daughter in Law, and all kinds of cousins, nieces, and nephews went there.
My second choice is Auburn.
Mram, I hear you. You failed to see that Bruce Pearl is about as lose and close to crazy as any D1 coach, and his players have totally bought in and drunk the koolade. He tells them to keep shooting, don’t matter if you missed the last ten-run shoot and play defense. Shoot enough and shots start falling.

If they are making shots, nobody will beat them.
Watched Pearl since he was at Tennessee. He has always been ultra emotional and able to get the guys to buy into it. Sec has had 2 final 4 surprises the last two years. Sadly, not UK.....