Mounting a scope on an H&R M12



Hello, this is a first time post. My question is as follows. I have an H&R M12 from the CMP, and would like to mount a scope on it for my sportsmen club informal benchrest shoots at 50 ft. What type of mounts do I need in order to place a scope on it without additional drilling and tapping the receiver? Also what would be a quality scope to buy? THANKS IN ADVANCE
Weaver T series will focus down to 50 ft. Also some of the Sigtrons. both are good scopes, best bang for the $. If you meant 50 yards same applies. To ward off second question not asked, I use 36x units.
We have several shooters using the BSA Fixed 36X for our 50 Yard Bench Rest Matches without issues. They are hard to beat for the money. Check Midway USA as a source for the 36x BSA.

BSA can distribute some junk scopes. The 36X is not on the Junk List.
