Most stable portable benchrest table?

I am shooting in the desert(AZ) and want some kind of stable portable table for bench rest practice.
Can anyone recommend a stable portable table for bench rest practice.


That collapsible table you posted a photo of, will work fine with a slight mod. The mod does not need to be exactly how I describe it here, but once you get the picture, I think your imagination will go nuts, and its affordable too. I think I would screw a 1\8" thick x 6" x 18" rectangular piece of plate to it on the underside. I then would weld an eye hook centered on the 6" x 18" plate from underneath. I would hang a backpack from the eye hook. Fine tune the stability of the table by adding or removing sandbags from the backpack. The key is the 3 degrees of freedom, which you get from the table legs already. One just need to add weight to add stability.