More Info on 3 Gun Nationals

Way to go Bob and David................

Looks likes Eck guns did a clean sweep..................

I heard a rumor Gordon was having some Maine lobster tonight..........
His second Nationals win in 2 attempts - both times shooting Eck rifles. Not bad for a shooter who doesn't compete in that many events but when he does - - - - - . Inspirational. Great going Raide!! Congrats to Marc and Tim who helped make this a very exciting competition. Congrats to all the winners and especially David Cook - the Sporter Nats winner. Thanks to Bill H and the folks at Fairchance for running a great match.
I see where BC is crowing on his site about Marc Nachman the "Champ of Champs" a non-sanctioned "event" recognizing the best shooter who chose to participate in a separate money shoot for those wanting to pony up the extra $. Not to take anything away from Marc's fine effort but the real Champ of Champs (best 9 target agg regardless of whether one wanted to gamble) is again Mr. Bob Raide. I can see where it might be fun to win the money but not everyone wants to make this sport about winning money. Just because he chose not to participate in this money game, does not erase his over-all performance for the 3 day event. Do not be mislead oh casual observer. The gunsmith that rightfully should be basking in the glow of seeing his equipment win the overall is Mr. Gordon Eck. Not Bill Calfee. Just wanted to set that record straight.
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Tony Harper posted this on Calfee's website. Since I don't have posting privledges there I want to address his comments here. His post stated:

"The Champ of Champs is not a "side event". The scores are taken from the main matches of the weekend and totaled, then whomever had the highest agg for all targets is declared the winner of the Champ of Champs.

Quite normally, all of the competitors that think they have a chance of winning enter the Champ of Champs. You don't have to,and some choose not to, for whatever reason(s).

But like all events you gotta be in it to win it. You put up, or you shut up.

Marc shot great with his sporter, 10.5, and 13 lb rifles all weekend, under some very trying conditions. He is a Champ of Champs.

If you don't believe it show up at the next match and shoot against him."


Tony you're a fine shooter and great competitor. But you are not being entirely forthright here. I witnessed the conversation between Tim Miller and Bill Hindgardner at the Nationals on Thursday afternoon inside the clubhouse. Tim asked that he wanted to have this "Champion of Champions" event where shooters who paid $100 would have their 9 target totaled to determine who would win this money. Bill Hinegardner made it clear it would not be an IR50/50 sanctioned event but if Tim wanted to run this side event he could. The fee was later reduced to $25 and I was approached and declined to participate not because I couldn't afford it or didn't think I had a chance to win it but because I believe in the nature of pure friendly sportmanly competition. When I used to shoot Skeet/Trap/Sporting Clays I witnessed the effects of competing for money had on sportsmanship. We all "put up" when we forked over our entry fee for the IR50/50 sanctioned events. The money Tim collected was not handled by or submitted to IR50/50. Of ALL the competitors who entered the sanctioned IR50/50 match the shooter who had the highest combined 9 target agg. was Bob Raide. Frankly who cares who won this non-sanctioned side event (and it was a side event as it was not part of the IR50/50 Nationals - which is what we were there for.) Mr. Nachman shot well and I'm sure he is happy to have won this side bet. There does not exist any "Champion of Champions" in IR50/50. For those curious as to who had the best aggregate for all 9 targets shot in the IR50/50 sanctioned event this weekend - that would be Mr. Bob Raide. Those curious who won the side money bet proposed by Tim Miller that not all competitors chose to participate in - that would be Marc Nachman. I wonder if there were any other side bets that took place that the BR community might be interested in - maybe not.
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