more barrel questions

on a average how many rounds would you say in a 6mm ppc will you get through the barrel before you pull it and put it to the no use pile and put on a new barrel.
i am just asking ...
I took a barrel off that had 1400 through it because it hasn't been shooting all that well and I'm going to the IBS Nationals in about a week. Even if I was able to get that other barrel shooting at top form, it would get over 300 rounds put on it shooting that event if it shot all 3 classes, and there's a good chance it would be toast before it was over.
A lot depends on the loads you shoot and how well and often the barrel is cleaned and kept cool.
have you ever seen a ppc case ??do you actually shoot benchrest ?? we typically shoot 5 shot groups with sighters... heat is not an issue, cleaning is a personal choice
Some barrels are done before break in is finished and others can be competitive at 3000 rounds. It is the dilema we have to learn to live with. When a barrel shoots great it is easy to keep going with it and when it will never shoot groups less than a .250 than you know it is done. The infuriating part is when a barrel shoots tiny little groups with one thrown out a bit. You keep trying to tune it and you keep hoping to get your $600 + barrel to shoot and after 300 dollars of components have been shot through and several match fees and traveling expenses you realize it never is going to be competitive. Their is no average life that I have found.
Lots of variables to bbl life. I'd say avg ppc life is in the 1500-1700 round range but there are anomalies that just shoot and shoot. I won a couple of 200 yard National aggs with a bbl that had over 5000 rounds on it. Still have it. Has over 7000 on it now but it started coppering badfly just before the last big match I was gonna shoot with it. Still shoots tiny teens but ya gotta clean constantly. Who knows why it can still shoot or did for so long? It's certainly not the norm. This is a 6 Grendel, essentially a ppc improved.
Lots of variables to bbl life. I'd say avg ppc life is in the 1500-1700 round range but there are anomalies that just shoot and shoot. I won a couple of 200 yard National aggs with a bbl that had over 5000 rounds on it. Still have it. Has over 7000 on it now but it started coppering badfly just before the last big match I was gonna shoot with it. Still shoots tiny teens but ya gotta clean constantly. Who knows why it can still shoot or did for so long? It's certainly not the norm. This is a 6 Grendel, essentially a ppc improved.
Is the 6 Grendel stay in tune better then the 6 PPC?
Is the 6 Grendel stay in tune better then the 6 PPC?
No difference that I can tell, if using n133. I do think it's better in that regard with LT32 or 8208...or actually several others, depending on bullet weight and all the other stuff. 133 seems to be the variable that makes them both a little tune sensitive but I just use what shoots best and don't even care about tune sensitivity any more, since tuners. But, it's certainly not a bad thing to have both, a powder that shoots tiny and holds tune. LT32 is just that, to me. They all change a little.