Modified Mosin



Is there anyone shooting Modified Mosin Nagants in F class?
I guess the question might be--Why would anyone want to?

Since you are in central MN I can tell you that I have not seen anyone competing with one in MN, given the stiff competition in F-class currently I do not think I would handicap myself with a Mosin. Where in Central MN are you in? I ask as I can direct you to the closest F-class comp so you can see what folks re using.
While I would concur with the above posters that a Mosin, modified or otherwise, is probably not going to be the path to success... it may depend on how you define success.

If you mean 'win at state/regional level or above', I'd say heck no.

If you mean 'win at club-match level', I'd say pretty unlikely, but possible.

If you mean 'get out and shoot and have fun'... then go for it.

A lot of times we get too tied up in 'winning is everything'... and thats when things stop being as much fun.