MikeinCO/Stool coming to Raton


i made an offer to Mike a few months back to come shoot a registered match.

he says that he's coming for the Best of the West match, May 23,24. it's always great time shooting in the mountains
at the Whittington Center, but this match may be particularly entertaining!!

for those that may have missed it, here are some highlights...

again , mixing apples( short range) and oranges( long range) and trying to apply the same rules...
life does not work that way.
the poor powder control used on short range will never work well at long range........
this happens every time this subject comes up........
the charge master is a great tool for short range...because with the tools used a tenth of a grain seems to mean nothing...
n133 seems to have a wide sweet spot...so "close" is good enough.
go ask a long range winner if he thinks plus or minus .2 or .3 is acceptable at 1000 yds ??
no way..the vertical would kill you.
again apples and oranges.....
to the guy that claims he can throw to 0.001 of an inch...prove it.....
pick a load..shoot it and then prove you can pick the next charge and tell BEFORE HAND what the new group size will be...to .001.
sounds great...but just more short range bs....


It seems like you asked about Benchrest shooting competitions close to your home location a few months ago, and a few members recommended the Whittington Center outside Raton, NM. This is right about the time you got canned from the site. Seems like something about calling George Ulrich a lemming, or was it one of your other brilliant nuggets??

Anyway, you had some excuse as to why you couldn’t make it… I can’t remember what it was.

There will be four registered short range BR matches this next year at Raton.

Here is the deal of the day for you.

I will pay for your entry fee to any of those four matches. Hell, I’ll even reserve a room and pay for it, if you’ll show up and shoot both days. Just load your stuff in a vehicle and come on down.

I’m interested in your expertise and would hope you would share it with us ignorant, redneck, short-range Benchrest shooters. I mean, to hear you talk about it, how hard could it be, right?? And, id love to hear more about the “short range bs…” you speak of.

Also, what I’m most interested in is if you are as mouthy standing face to face with someone as you are over the internet. I’m guessing not.

So, what do you say??
Dang. That's a GREAT Deal.
Oh, the Super Shoot.
Best of the West match or the Super Shoot...............hummmmmm....
We will all be looking forward to the results of this.

But keep in mind. Benchrest can be brutal. The difference between the penthouse and the outhouse, in everyday terms, ain't a whole lot.
Mike attended the 2014 Montana 1000 Yard BR Championship at Deep Creek Range last August.
It was nice to meet him in-person. He won some money for "closest to the X".
I believe he plans on attending the NBRSA 600/1000 Nationals this coming June at CRC/Byers as well.
I've followed "Mike" through all his benchrest central adventures.

Give the guy a chance to show who and what he is.

Who knows, he just may be The Guru that can show us the hidden secrets of extreme accuracy???

I've followed "Mike" through all his benchrest central adventures.

Give the guy a chance to show who and what he is.

Jerry, After being removed a number of times I believe he has. But I'm sure we could learn something on how to burn our shop/home down while working in it.
I've followed "Mike" through all his benchrest central adventures.

Give the guy a chance to show who and what he is.

Who knows, he just may be The Guru that can show us the hidden secrets of extreme accuracy???


I agree Jerry we need to grow our community.

I agree Jerry we need to grow our community.


I agree as well. Mike was blocked here for two reasons. First reason was that folks badgered him to no end. Second was that he kept going off the deep end trying to defend himself. Was not really his fault that he's blocked.....well....not entirely!

Y'all want me to say I'm sorry and ask him back? I will but when he goes this time he won't be the only one. I suppose that's the real reason he's blocked in the first place. Shouldn't write that but it's somewhat the truth. He didn't go off the deep end all by himself.

Well said Wilbur. It takes 2 to make an argument. Sometimes even more.

"Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups"
you could have a one person arguement If

When you argue chambering procedures with someone that does it for a living, and your only experience is what you read on the internet. Maybe then it only takes one to make an argument. Or you know more about close range benchrest than a champion benchrest shooter, but you've never competed. Then maybe then it only takes one to have an argument.
Ok, ok!

I'll go back in my hole and not come out for a day or so...don't know what I was thinking...:eek:
While I have met Mike in person and have talked with on the phone a few times and can honestly say I like Mike, I strongly feel as far as "Forum Board Health", were better off without Mike.
With that said, and in my own opinion, Mike does not have the right temperament for forum board discussion, that stirs the pot enough for others to respond to him with the wrong temperament as well. I am just as guilty as Mike is, when we crossed paths in discussions here. But have to say, his ill temperament in discussions made it very desirable for myself and many others to reply back badly and in poor forum board manors.
And this is not the only forum he has been blocked from, and for the very same reasons.

No disrespect meant to Mike, just the way I see it.... and my own admission of guilt when it comes to forum board discussions with him.
Again, I consider Mike a likeable guy in person and on the phone, away from forum board discussion.
All the best to ya !.!.!
Donovan Moran
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