Mike Gambel left the range

RIP Mr. Gambel

Mike was a GREAT Guy.
I always enjoyed his time that we spent together.
Mike was also a very good shooter and I heard that his father was as well.
My condolence's go out the Mike and his family.
RIP Mike!!!
Very Sad News...

Thanks for sharing this info., Bob...

This is tough news flor sure. I knew Mike had been battling some serious health issues over the past several years.

Our sport lost one of the finest gentlemen I have ever met.

A very talented, tough and soft-spoken competitor.

May Mike rest in peace.

Please keep him and his family in all your prayers...

Mike was a lovely, soft spoken gentleman.
I had the good fortune to shoot with him a few times and be a teammate at one of the pro-am events.
Heidi and I stopped last summer for a nice visit with Mike and his wife. I guess “one day at a time” is really all we have. I will miss him.
Sorry to hear about Mike Gamble's passing. He was a fixture in the middle of the loading barn at Kelbly's for many years and a big supporter of the Kane shoots. I would ask him anything and everything about Benchrest because I knew he would give me sound, solid advice. Great guy, great shooter.
Sorry to hear of Mike's passing. Don Gentner introduced me to Mike years ago at my first Kane match. He gave me some pointers on what flags are important at the range and I always looked forward to seeing him at the match.

He and his family are in my prayers!

Bill McIntyre
For me it is getting quite hard for me to read about those who have left their family and friends.
My Prayers will also keep going out to their Family and Friends and it won't.belong before some of our own names will also be mentioned.
One could only hope that some if not all of use might make it to and to then be to meet each other in Heaven.
Hadn’t seen Mike in some years (I haven’t been shooting). However I always enjoyed speaking with him at the matches and getting the low down on the deer herd in the Kane area that I hunted some years back. As some had mentioned here, Mike was a soft spoken guy with great insight on many topics. I was glad to have met him along the journey.

RIP Mike and my condolences to your family and friends.

Pat Hurley