Mike Bryant wins at Charlene's Meadow Match #2


Mike Bryant wins the 100-200-300 under the lights

The 300 yd was not an easy task. Not only did we have lights, we had lightening and light rain with some switchy conditions. Today at 100-200 we had 10-15 mph with overcast conditions. At good time was had by all and looking foward to next year

Charlene and all the Benchrest gals pitched in and cooked us a great evening meal along with alot of desert. Ray Barnes stuffed us with do-nuts. I doesn't get much better than that!!

Richard Brensing


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Richard had a great time! Thanks to you and your family and crew! Also congratulation to Mike Bryant!

Fred Martin
Congratulations to Mike and the other shooters who shot well. I like the Format.

Mike, I hope to see you at the Nationals in Phoenix.
Just a few pics

to enjoy. It's normally not this green in August in SW Kansas!!



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Great match!

Richard, thanks again for a great match. We all appreciate the hard work you and your family put in to give us another place to shoot. Sorry we had to leave early but we really enjoy shooting your range.
to enjoy. It's normally not this green in August in SW Kansas!!


Beautiful place to shoot. Richard, Charlene and all the others who made it possible, thanks for putting on the match and for all your hospitality. Great bunch of guys there too. Beverly enjoyed meeting all the shooter’s wives that were there as well.
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Yes. They may be beady but they see all.

Way to go Mike! That's pretty good shooting for some one with small beady eyes that are constantly shifting and a chest hair toupee made from recycled AstroTurf. Tim
Hay Tim? Exactly how many options are there, for a chest hair toupee? I can think of at least three ways to sport that look. One would be a wife beater tank top shirt with the hair sewn onto the shirt. Another could be the hair sewn onto the straps of your favorite set of suspenders, or I suppose there is an adhesive option too. Just wondering, before i took off on a google search for chest hair toupee's