Midwest Benchrest Matches 1 & 2 Results


New member
We had an fantastic turnout, decent weather, and stiff competition for the inaugural matches at Midwest Benchrest. Thanks to everyone that came to join in the fun, and also to my family who's hard work helped to make this possible. The attached results show some fine shooting, but here are a few additional highlights:

Mike Eshleman had LG small group of the day - 3.717" (49)

Henry Pasquet was absolutely on fire, winning:
Match #1 - LG relay 2 (group), LG shoot-off; HG relay 1 (group), HG shoot-off; Fac. (score).
Match #2 - LG relay 2 (group), LG shoot-off;

Ron Boyd shot back-to-back 6.7's in the factory class.

Three screamer groups were shot in one relay by:
Mike Eshleman (3.717"), Jacob Hurt (3.945"), and James Davis (3.990")

After I finish reviewing the equipment list, I will also post the 600 yard match #1 results to this thread.

Looking forward to seeing everyone at our next matches, June 20 & 21.


Robert Ross


  • MATCH 1-1000 YD.pdf
    54.6 KB · Views: 386
  • MATCH 2-1000 YD.pdf
    55 KB · Views: 307


Congratulations on getting your first match under your belt. Looks like an excellent turnout and great job on getting the results posted for all to see in such a timely manner. I look forward to making a roadtrip to Yukon, MO as soon as I can.

Take care
600 Yard, Match#1 Results

Attached are the 600yd results from Match #1, which was held on Sunday, May, 31. Rickey Fitzpatrick, MO, brought his "A" game in the Light Gun Class, winning BOTH group (2.699" AGG) and score (186). In the Heavy Gun Class, less than 0.3" (three-tenths of an inch) separated shooters in second through sixth place, while Rick Murphy, TN, was on top of the conditions winning group aggregate by nearly 0.6", with an agg of 2.449". Mike Eshleman, MO, won Heavy Gun Score, with an 180. Walter Day, IN, had small group of the day (1.603" - 42), and high score of the day (50 - 2.628"). A factory class was offered, but due to a lack (and withdrawal) of entrants was cancelled.

I'm looking forward to the next weekend of matches, coming up on June 20 & 21. I've been working trying to get the canopy situation figured out, and it remains to be seen whether I can have something up by this next match. If anyone would happen to have an extra "cleaning tent", it might not hurt to bring it along, in case I don't have the problem solved by then.




  • MATCH #1 Results.pdf
    151.7 KB · Views: 197
Very nice posting of results, and very prompt. If your reports are any indication of how you run your matches, it's a top-notch experience for all. Wish we had something like that here.

Congratulations on your first match!
Overall Match Aggs

Here are the Overall Match Aggregates for 1000yd Matches 1 & 2.

Thanks Jeff and Rob. We look forward to having you.


  • Match1and2AggregateRankings.pdf
    17.4 KB · Views: 123