Melonite vs Chronimun nitride



Melonite vs Chromium nitride

Question on melonite vs chrominum nitride

! which one would be best for hi-volume reloading dies and
swage dies.
2. would chrominum nitride coat the inside the die properly.
3. would the cost of either be compatable.

Those with experience with such could shed some insight
on suggested use.

Thanks Larrys
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How about Hard Chrome?

Some time ago there was a discussion on here about a source to have the inside of one's dies coated with hard chrome. As I recall, the process wasn't outrageously expensive. Might be in the archives.

Chromium nitride is a PVD (physical vapor deposition) process that is line of site........sort of like shining a flashlight into the end of the die. This process will not work with resizing dies. Stick to some sort of gas or salt nitriding (mellonite) for resize dies.
That is the kind of information I was looking for. I knew that reqular chrome plating was more or less outside, course chrome lined barrels exist.
Melonite may be advantages on steel swage dies.
Thanks fellas

Chrome (thin dense chrome aka TDC) coatings are not the same as chrome nitride.

Chrome bores are common and there is no reason why a tool couldn't be done as well. The finish on chrome is what we call a micro orange peel surface. You would see pores and texture at even low magnification, but no cracks. It can also help a little with anti-rust.

Chromium Nitride is applied with a PVD process which wouldn't be able to get down into deep holes like bbls or dies. It is great stuff and solves a lot of my problems, but it works on outside surfaces not on deep bores.

You would have to test to see if the chrome coating is worth your trouble. It isn't always the case with tribology that what looks good on a spec sheet works in an application.