Matches at Hawk's Ridge finished!

Rich De

Got a letter today from the NC 1,000 yd. club that matches are being suspended and offering members their club dues back along with the fee collected for a rained out Heavy gun match. No bonified explaination. Just some BS about "safety conditions!" Don't know if that refers to the truck used to change targets slipping on wet ground at the last match? Seems hokey to me. I kow of two other members who got the same letter.
Things like this happen when there is no lease and you are shooting at the descretion of the owner. When the owner get a bugt up his butt, everyone suffers.
Rich De
Thats a real shame

Hawksridge and all the competitors will be missed.
1000 Yd matches at Hawks Ridge

IBS sanctioning of 1000 yd matches has been suddenly interrupted by the IBS and NC 1000 Yard Benchrest Association on the pretext of an un-named safety issue.

Third Saturday of each month matches (just one per Saturday, not two) will continue at Hawks Ridge as has been the case since 1993. The first match is June 20, 2009. Registration will begin at 8 am and close at 9 am. IBS rules will prevail.

The "safety issue" at Hawks Ridge will be addressed by reverting to the old system of each shooter drawing bench and relay assignments from a bag of numbered coins at registration rather than the "computerized system" that has come under scrutiny and criticism over the past few years.

Mike McNiell, owner of the range plans to distribute 60% of match fees back to the winners as was the case historically, rather than plaques and club points for actions, barrels stocks and scopes at the January banquet as has been the case more recently.

Everyone and anyone who wants to shoot 1K bench matches at the second oldest venue in the country with it's rich history, tradition and shooting culture is cordially invited back to to Hawks Ridge for third Saturday of the month matches.

There won't be IBS points or IBS records to be set but there will be random bench and relay assignments and a big time available for everybody. We can probably talk Mike into another of his chicken BBQ extravaganzas later in the year as well.

Those wishing to volunteer for match operation duty are asked to meet at 7:30 am on match day.

Greg Culpepper
(336) 413-7835 (cell)
to all my friends from hawk's ridge

rich de, i haven't received my letter yet from the club but when i do if they offer me my club dues back, i'm going to ask them to go ahead and keep it that will be something they can use to when they start to rebuild i hate to hear what happened but since i started shooting at hawk's ridge i developed a tremendous respect for the men i shot with because they in entirity helped me in the success that i have achieved so far in this 1000yd. game i have made a lot of friends and learned that they are serious competitors and when each one of us done well they were always there to pat one of us on the back and that is true respect from the gentlemen that are out there to have a good time and but yet be competitive when they hit the line they took no prisoners but that's what i'm going to miss the most but i'm looking forward to shooting again when they find other resources and rebuild because one thing's for sure we need a strong club such as they have been in making this move to not shoot for our safety i highly respect that thanks again for all the comradery i have acquired your friend,

ol' bobble head from WV Stan
N.C. 1000yd shooters

I recived my letter yeaterday. I'm not going to request my money back either. In time N.C. 1000yd. shooters will be up and running and be with IBS. The reason I say this is we have a lot of great members that love this sport and will stick together and do everything they can to have a club. That is run in a professional manner and is SAFE without all of the B.S. that has been going on. I agree with the decision to cancel the matches on hawks ridges property after seeing some actions that took place after the last match. and will stand behind the board 100%.

Daniel Jones
Rich De Simone

I agree with the decision to cancel the matches on hawks ridges property after seeing some actions that took place after the last match.

It sounds like more than just a bug up the owners butt.What happened?
We live in a time where a lot of people have pistols in their pickups and lawyers on their speed dials. Sometimes for show, but sometimes not. Either can be a "safety issue."

Aside from the simple declaration that NC-1000 BR is currently not holding matches at Hawks Ridge, anything you see in a public forum like this is going to come from those who don't know -- and nobody involved actually *knows* all that much -- or from some apologist who is still so hot they're pushing their own agenda.
Is Hawks Ridge holding matches? Are they IBS Matches? Is this a misunderstanding that willm soon pass? Or is there some work(construction)that needs to take place to meet a safety criteria? Not looking to air anybodies dirty laundry but if all you need is some rock on a road to keep a truck from slipping whats the big deal? I was under the impression that other than Williamsport Hawks Ridge was the place to be if one was a longrange shooter and the property owner himself was a shooter.:confused:
All I know, is from the letter I received, it looked like shooting was "Kaput!" There was no mention of non-IBS matches being held. It has been known for number of years that Mike McNeil was not in agreement with the IBS and some rules. I think he would have been happy from the beginning if it was just a friendly gathering of shooters with no formal rules. If Mike did not like a rule being voted on, he would be quite outspoken about it. I always got the feeling that if the rules did not suit him, he was going to suspend shooting. Without a lease, you operate at the will of the owner.
Just the way I see it!
hawks ridge

From the post of Greg Culpepper. Mike Mcneil will be hosting his own matches at Hawks Ridge Gun Club. They will not be IBS and will pay back A percentage of money and cook chicken and have a buddy match and every one is invited.

The letter that the members recived says, Events at the last match indicate that a potentially unsafe situation could develop at future IBS matches conducted at Hawks Ridge. The situation has been discussed by members of the N.C. 1000yd board and the IBS leadership. It is the opinion of the N.C. 1000yd Benchrest Board Of Directors and IBS that IBS 1000yard benchrest matches be immediately suspended until further notice. The SAFETY issue is, after the last match the owner of Hawks Ridge unleashed anger in such a way that it is an unsafe enviroment for future N.C. 1000yd IBS matches. The rain also made it usafe to apporach the targets.
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I'm willing to support the board of directors if a new venue is found. As far as Hawk's Ridge? I don't think you will see any IBS matches.
Rich De
N.Carolina 1000yd.

TO all the shooters i have grown to know and respect at hawks ridge i want to welcome you to come to wv.a to our first match at white horse shooting center this weekend it would be great to see some of you there to shoot we would love to see you guys come and have a good time.
Thanks to all again for your friendship and knowledge you have shared with me and all the other fellow shooters.
I am not sure what is going on with Hawkes Ridge and I am not sure I want to know. I do know that I enjoyed shooting there and other than an occasional chicken feather in my tuna salad sandwich I nerver incurred the first problem.....GT
To all who are a bit confused: Hawks Ridge is a range in North Caroliona. The shooting organization affiliated with the IBS is the North Carolina 1000 Yard Benchrest Shooters Association.

The parallel would be the Virginia 1000 yard Benchrest Club, which has it's matches (now) at the U.S. Marine Corps Quantico range. Virgina started shooting at Quantico, then got a private range (on Rob Ritchie's farm), then lost that & moved back to Quantico.

From what I've heard, NC1000BR is looking for a new range to hold matches. There are several possibilities. And from what is posted above, informal matches will be held at the Hawks Ridge range, but they will not be affiliated with any shooting organization.

Hope this helps.
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Again, this is just "hear say" from a respected member, that Camp Butner, NE of Releigh NC, is a possibility for the club to hold matches. Anyone???
Rich De
I am sorry to see...

... Hawks Ridge not hosting any more IBS matches, as I have enjoyed shooting there over the last ten years. But I also hope that the club finds another venue to host IBS matches.
I have heard that rumor also about Butner. I hope the Directors get things worked out.
If there is anything that I or the VA1000 club can do, let me know.

I would like seeing an IBS 600 and 1000 yard range at Butner.

Hope all can be arranged... There never are enough ranges.

Nat lambeth
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Camp Butner is run by the NC National Guard not NSSC. Fortunately the NC National Guard makes these fine facilities available for civilian use when the military is not using them. NC 1000 members will be notified soon concerning the venue and dates of our remaining 2009 matches. If you are a member and must know then call a club officer or board member to get up to date information. As always you can't believe everything you read on the internet.
I think you will find that the local club director of the NSSC in actuality is the wrong person to be asking for access to the Butner ranges. Federal law controls that and here it is.

Under that principle it is a well founded practice that organizations make an official request to the Base Commander of Camp Butner in accordance with 10 USC 4309 and request range dates for matches. Normal practice for the installation range control in assigning match dates is that "official matches" take precendence of practices IAW with the established procedures for designating available dates. That is normally done for the current FY or CY depending on the local Range control SOP. Everyone is given time to submit the next years requests and they all are sorted by the Range control and given dates bases on established written procedures normally.

It also might require the NC BR club to sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Butner.

Public access to federal shooting ranges is authorized in this law, one of the 271 federal gun laws included in "Gun Laws of America":
10 USC § 4309.
Rifle ranges: availability for use by members and civilians
(a) Ranges available. -- All rifle ranges constructed in whole or in part with funds provided by the United States may be used by members of the armed forces and by persons capable of bearing arms.
(b) Military ranges. --
(1) In the case of a rifle range referred to in subsection (a) that is located on a military installation, the Secretary concerned may establish reasonable fees for the use by civilians of that rifle range to cover the material and supply costs incurred by the armed forces to make that rifle range available to civilians.
(2) Fees collected pursuant to paragraph (1) in connection with the use of a rifle range shall be credited to the appropriation available for the operation and maintenance of that rifle range and shall be available for the operation and maintenance of that rifle range.
(3) Use of a rifle range referred to in paragraph (1) by civilians may not interfere with the use of the range by members of the armed forces.
(c) Regulations. -- Regulations to carry out this section with respect to a rifle range shall be prescribed, subject to the approval of the Secretary concerned, by the authorities controlling the rifle range.

Guys, let's try to keep the speculation down. The board of directors of the NC1000BR club is working on a number of possibilities, lets let them work without internet postings clouding issues.

Joel, as Treasurer, is an officer of NC1000BR, and does post to BR Central. Scott Fletcher is the president and David Hodges the Vice president; I believe neither of them posts to BR Central. I'm a nobody -- no official position -- but as a member of NC1000BR, do have an interest.

I'm sure NC1KBR members will be notified when thing are arranged, and someone from the board will post to BR Central. Or if they don't, I promise that as soon as things are formally settled, I will -- or Rich will, or any of the other members.


Charles Ellertson