Mass. IR 50/50 3-Gun State Championship - Saturday, July 27

I didn't care if they were from New England, the South, Jersey or out West.

Hey Bill, as I understand it the scores will be going into the World Postal as well, so you'll be shooting against your old buddy John Farrell - now if you like a bit of ribbing before a match he's your man ;)

Good luck to everyone on Saturday, I'm sure it's going to be a great match.

Ah, I'll have to include "Old" England on my list. Good luck to you, John and all you Lime--, er, Brits shooting over the pond. ;)
Mike, we were not thinking of bringing any brownies, we were thinking of getting a head start on Maryellen's,
while all the boys are shooting.
If we get lucky a jar of Dusseldorf Mustard will show up.

Could that mean that we may be expecting Paul & Brocky?! If so.... I hope someone brings the sausages, or Gordon might just bite off his trigger finger!!!!! Ill play it safe and bring some good jerky for " double/triple dipping! Oh yeah.
I hear there is a truck load of wood heading back with the Yorkers....................

Mel earned a box of cookies too......
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Wow, Word travels fast ... I'll get the scores posted tomorrow -- The folks from New York did great!

I hear there is a truck load of wood heading back with the Yorkers....................

Mel earned a box of cookies too......

The big news coming out of the shoot was Mel winning the 3 gun meters (747) shooting his sporter in all events. What an accomplishment!!!

you could have scored a few more points if you had not sold me your rear bag. Chief
Michael and his whole crew did a nice job during a long grueling match day. The place was at about capacity and they worked hard in hot humid conditions to hold the match. Thank you.
Thanks for the kind words Tim. It was a pleasure hosting a match for such a fine group of folks.

Great job


A big THANKS to you and your crew for running a great match!!!

A long day in the heat, great lunch, and good people made for an enjoyable way to spend 11 hours.

Thanks Chris

Thanks Michael for & all for running a great match! It was a long 21hr day but the day was well worth the trip!
Also thanks to the Hill's for the set of wind flags.
An last but certainly not least thank you Mel for allowing me to use that beautiful sporter! I'm sorry to have done it an injustice however. It showed me that I need a lot of work!
It was a pleasure to meet & chat with you all.
Could that mean that we may be expecting Paul & Brocky?! If so.... I hope someone brings the sausages, or Gordon might just bite off his trigger finger!!!!! Ill play it safe and bring some good jerky for " double/triple dipping! Oh yeah.

Thanks for thinking of us ...
Al, for the most part and for most of us, it has been all in fun. I can tell you though that some here from the Empire State are taking offense (obviously) to the Yorker/Yawker thing. Personally, I just always thought of everyone else as "fellow shooters". I didn't care if they were from New England, the South, Jersey or out West. Once you decided to make it into a State vs State thing, well, we figured we would pick up the gauntlet and come fully represented. I can assure you that everyone will be well behaved on Sat and we'll all have fun. No hard feelings here.

Well said - lets stick with what we do best