Maine state sporter & 3 gun

Pete Wass

Well-known member
Maine State Sporter & 3 Gun

will be held on the weekend of July 25 & 26. We will shoot the Sporter portion in the morning followed by the 3 Gun in the afternoon after lunch, which will be provided by the club. We will begin shooting each day @ 9:00 AM. Cost will be $40.00 each day. Yards on Saturday and Meters on Sunday.

Motels tend to fill up quickly this time of year in Augusta. Best to call early if one needs a place to stay. There are some lower cost motels in Manchester, a neighboring town, only 5 miles or so from the range. Not fancy but adequate.

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We would like to have a head count

So that we can figure out how much food to procure.


both days

I'll be there too, what is for lunch?

Ted Derivan
I am hoping for one relay. I will give everyone plenty of time to clean between relays.


Its nice to get out of there a little early but they way I look at it is we've "lost" the day whether we have 1 or 2. I never get much accomplished when I get home after a one relay match.
I like shooting with more people as opposed to less. Maybe its the time between relays that allows us to collect our thoughts & take a breath that I prefer.
I had the dates mixed up

The big IBS show is next month. Too much going on this year with me. I am getting a Hannaford Cold Cuts Plate with bread, etc. I don't cook much. Joanna is bringing up some "Shady Glen" Slaw from Ct and we'll see about sweets, I don't know yet. We will also have soda & Water available. Most of the time I don't eat @ matches except for an apple or something simple. I always found that stopping to eat made my scores plummet. I would rather just keep shooting - - -

I prefer a faster pace

Its nice to get out of there a little early but they way I look at it is we've "lost" the day whether we have 1 or 2. I never get much accomplished when I get home after a one relay match.
I like shooting with more people as opposed to less. Maybe its the time between relays that allows us to collect our thoughts & take a breath that I prefer.

It is a far different thing, being a contestant or running a match. At my age now, a long day is not easy to cope with. Being responsible for it all takes it's toll if one is doing most of it themselves. There is not only the range setup to deal with but scoring, the paperwork, which must be correct then reporting and paying the shooting Org and the club, making sure there's the appropriate supplies on hand, etc. It looks pretty simple until one takes it on and then have to actually do it and do it right every time. I typically don't get a lot of time to collect my thoughts and less so if the event is bigger. When someone helps out with the computer, that takes a lot of stress out of it for me but having to do all of those things gets to be wearing. If it were only a matter of setting up the range and taking it down, I guess I could cope with it ok but add trying to shoot well on top of that and it's all but too much for me to deal with. It should be a pleasure to be able to shoot at home but more and more for me, it almost isn't worth doing.

The thing I hate the most is, after the awards are given out, I then must pack my shooting stuff up, this after everyone else has either gone home or is about to do so. Shooting equipment goes out and up easy it seems but seems twice as time consuming to pack back up. Have it all get wet and the stress builds even more. Packing up one's equipment is like the arrangement of one's kitchen; best for others to stay out of it, if you know what I mean :).

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As it stands right now,

We will have two relays so there should be a leisurely pace this weekend.

We will have two relays so there should be a leisurely pace this weekend.

Sure do like a leisurely pace Pete. I'm looking forward to seeing Klayton and the
gang again. Bob will be doing most of the shooting while I set in the shade. Now
ya'll Down Easters take it easy on this old guy. I sure would appreciate it. eh
See yah soon.
A leisure pace

Sure do like a leisurely pace Pete. I'm looking forward to seeing Klayton and the
gang again. Bob will be doing most of the shooting while I set in the shade. Now
ya'll Down Easters take it easy on this old guy. I sure would appreciate it. eh
See yah soon.

is nice when one doesn't have to run things. Guess that why Match Directors get the big bucks, eh?

...You miss JoAn don't ya'. Maybe now that John has some ammo his rifle likes she can have hers back.
Glad for the 2 relays myself.
If you need anything Pete, please don't hesitate to ask. I'll do whatever I can....except the computer.

We will begin shooting at 9:00 AM. If we have over ten shooters for the Sporter we will run two relays, otherwise, one. I have two sharing equipment so far but only for the 3 gun, as it stands now. We will rotate 3 benches after each card. We will draw for benches when we know what we have for shooters for the Sporter but in no case, later than 8:30 AM. I would dearly like to finish the Sporter before lunch while conditions are somewhat decent. Just remember, 750-43 and 742 @ meters is all one needs to shoot :). The three gun is a separate match so that one will be two relays, for sure, separate drawing. We are tread new ground here so we'll see how it all goes. The constant is the 3 bench rotation.

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Me and Pops will be up there Sunday for the Meters. I'll be shooting Sporter and 3 gun and Pops will only be doing 3 gun. See you then.
