Lyman Alaskan 2.5X


Dog's Elvis

Can someone suggest to me a website where I might find a buyer for a 2.5 power, 7/8 inch tube, adjustable crosshair, Lyman Alaskan? (0ther than the Evil Bay).
Kitsap, remember! That's a coincidence -- don't them know about the conspiracy.

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Itwill be a while before I can get a picture.
It is in very good if not excellent condition. The sole exception to that is light (not deep) but noticeable scratching on approximately 1/3 of the ocular bell -- not the lens, the metal bell itself -- which is wear from something, I dont know what. Those scratches would not be very visible when mounted, I imagine, if they beel was turned so the scratches faced toward the reciever. Rings are still mounted to it, and I have the windage screws (case hardened) from the rear windage mount. I don't have the mount. It also has leather lens covers marked "Alaskan." Reticle is plain crosshair. Serial number 33XXX.
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Thanks, F.B. I should have been more clear. Scratches are to bluing on outer surface of the ocular piece. The lenses are in excellent shape.

Or did you just want to get in on the conspiracy?