Luby,s just lost my business.

Upon Further Reflection

Regarding post # 56 ("From where does that call come?"), I may have misconstrued post # 54. Based on the second and third sentences of post 54 (“Carrying or not goes well beyond protecting ones ownself or family. It should also include protecting those innocent folks who maybe helpless at the moment and in dire need that are around you”), I considered the context of the questioned text (“be willing to lay down ones life so that another might live”) as being that of sacrificing one’s actual living/breathing life (as in dead or alive) so that someone else's actual living/breathing life might continue.

Upon further reflection, I realize that it’s possible that the questioned text may have been referring to a less dramatic idea, i.e., that of going out of one’s way to help another person. If that was the point of the questioned text, my apologies for having raised the question.
Just look at it as being the same as what out our brave soldiers are being called to do. Anything based on my own beliefs could and would just be used as a good excuse and just not the time or the right place.
Regarding post # 56 ("From where does that call come?"), I may have misconstrued post # 54. Based on the second and third sentences of post 54 (“Carrying or not goes well beyond protecting ones ownself or family. It should also include protecting those innocent folks who maybe helpless at the moment and in dire need that are around you”), I considered the context of the questioned text (“be willing to lay down ones life so that another might live”) as being that of sacrificing one’s actual living/breathing life (as in dead or alive) so that someone else's actual living/breathing life might continue.

Upon further reflection, I realize that it’s possible that the questioned text may have been referring to a less dramatic idea, i.e., that of going out of one’s way to help another person. If that was the point of the questioned text, my apologies for having raised the question.

Soooo, Hunter..... since you insist on continuing your line of enquiry (preaching) ...... DID or DID NOT those "brave" (your perspective) men who risked their lives and those "heroes" (Again, trying to emulate your perspective) who lost their lives saving (or meddling with?) the lives of others when the World Trade Center buildings were aeroplaned (or, blown up by our goob'mint) exhibit a character of (“be willing to lay down ones life so that another might live”) ???

A simple 'yes' or 'no' will suffice (altho I do so enjoy your fledgling flights)
al, one of us might be lost. I didn't know I had been "preaching" -- I don't recall using the words "brave" or "heroes"; I asked:

1. From where did that call come? Post 56
2. I said I wasn't sure it was from my conscience. # 58
3. I asked for a cite. # 60
4. I said I wasn't surprised that no cite had been given. # 66
5. I apologized if I had missed his point. # 81

Are you sure your question is directed to me?

Well let's examine this shall we...... I start with "Soooo, Hunter".....

is there another "Hunter" in the room?

Obfuscation, misdirection and studied bewilderment work well in front of a jury but there's no jury here....

Sooooo, Hunter,

I've asked a simple question;

'yes?' or

Please explain how my post # 81 was a continuation of my "line of enquiry (preaching)" -- it looks to me like an acknowledgement of a possible misinterpretation on my part.

You said the words "brave" and "heroes" were my perspective, please explain how those are my perspective.

It looks to me like your post # 83 was meant for Louis.J.

BTW, I'll respond to your question after you clarify the above confusion.

I don't have to "explain" anything, I asked a simple question and,

I asked first.

There is no "confusion"..... we're both being perfectly clear.

BTW I didn't EXPECT you could answer, but that was a guess, now it too is clear..... (Altho this delusion that "I might be addressing the wrong person" persists!)


al, you're so far over my head I can't see your vapor trail.

You were asking Louis.J whether or not he would lay down his life for another.

I find this to be inexcusably rude, none of your business, but your deeper question seems to be "does anyone actually do this?" You're picking on the man in a public forum, asking him to somehow "justify" or provide a cite for this type of belief.....

I despise peripheral allusions and oblique references so I ask you.... DID THOSE FIREFIGHTERS GIVE THEIR LIVES IN SERVICE TO OTHERS, WILLINGLY???

Louis.J used soldiers, I'm using those firemen.....Did they DIE to save others' lives?

No, to be clear, I'm not referring to the "less dramatic" idea of "going out of ones' way to help another" ....(wheee)..... I'm asking you, since you've stated that "your conscience" wouldn't make you protect a stranger with your you believe that others are the same? I happen to have known a man who saved another, a total stranger and it cost him his life.

Is your problem with the concept of giving one's life to protect a stranger?

Or is your disputation with the term "conscience?"

Just SAY IT! This "question with a question" thing gets nowhere
Not supporting the anti gun crowd

I personally try to stay away from any business that seeks to affect and support the anti gun agenda. Unfortunately, the media is complicit in painting a very narrow picture of gun owners. Many urban dwellers have never owned a firearm and their only frame of reference is when there is a chalk line around an inner city shooting victim. Dick's, who made a nice profit from their arms sales, has found it is not good business to isolate a certain law abiding segment of society who enjoy the shooting sports.
So Al was Hunter's answer a simple Yes or a No? Seems he has been running away instead of running along but I could be wrong.
Louis.J, Hunter did not answer the question because it was not based on what he had said -- it was based on what you had said (as noted in the "Originally posted by Hunter" text shown in posts 84, 85 & 87).
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A while back we did some work on a river tug for a company based in Chicago.

They sent two representatives down to check on everything. When they came to my office, I happen to have a 45 auto laying on my desk.

They were flabbergasted. They could not believe I had a pistol, much less one laying on my desk. In Chicago, they could go to jail for that.

I showed them my Rifles, and my oldest brother introduced himself with Glock on his side.

These two men said they couldn't even own a firearm in Chicago. I told them we are in Texas. I offered to take them up to Tomball and let them shoot, they had to fly out that night.

But next time, they said that would be great.
Iowa laws are similar to Texas' as far as carrying. The last I knew if you were carrying and went in a place of business that was posted as no carry you are ok unless they asked you to leave. If you don't leave, you are breaking the law. We also have open carry, which I'm not big on.

There's people carrying in our church and if they ban guns, I'll find a different church.


In Wisconsin, ( thanks to our R.AG, ) we have had concealed carry and open carry for years. While I am not an advocate of open carry, the cops here will give you a hard time and and find SOME thing to harass you with, as in the case with one of our locals here exercising his rights by the TOP COP in WI., carrying a "black semi auto" slinged to his shoulder. They charged him with disturbing the peace. What else ? local cops hate the R -AG for that reason, and if you take a really close look at the cops today, very few have ever served their country, say nothing of going to war for it. And that my friends... is what I have a problem with. Sorry, but my feelings are what they are., and you cannot tell any of your senses...they are wrong.
Interesting thread and a good read.

As for myself I don't own any pistols, and the ones I did have weren't for self defense... more for the collector.

Getting a carry/concealed permit is easy here in Idaho if you have a clean record. I don't have an interest in this because I don't really feel threatened and not wanting to deal with the responsibility of taking someone's life. If I lived in an area with a high crime rate, I might feel a little different.

I do strongly believe that whatever decision you make in life is yours, and you will have to deal with the outcome, good, bad, or otherwise.


Well said Mort,
I hope I never have to pull a trigger on anyone . Outside of a war zone it will change your life as you may not have imagined , period.
Others have said those words before me, and they were intelligent individuals that do not speak loosely.
Many years ago a nutbag (clinically insane) managed to purchase weapons to commit a serious crime in Tasmania

The knee-jerk reaction from the Australian PM (John Howard) was to ban all semi-automatic weapons in Australia, including my son's lovely Ruger 10/22.

What made me mad was that some wimpy/greeny/publicity seeking ratbags jumped onto the bandwagon and demonised anybody in Australia who owned a firearm. One such company was Sanity Music so naturally they lost my business along with my family and friends at the local range.

The best way to deal with such ideological nutbags IMHO is to vote with your feet and fill their inbox as to why they have lost your business!

* Doggie *
In Wisconsin, ( thanks to our R.AG, ) we have had concealed carry and open carry for years. While I am not an advocate of open carry, the cops here will give you a hard time and and find SOME thing to harass you with, as in the case with one of our locals here exercising his rights by the TOP COP in WI., carrying a "black semi auto" slinged to his shoulder. They charged him with disturbing the peace. What else ? local cops hate the R -AG for that reason, and if you take a really close look at the cops today, very few have ever served their country, say nothing of going to war for it. And that my friends... is what I have a problem with. Sorry, but my feelings are what they are., and you cannot tell any of your senses...they are wrong.

Mr. Maisto,

As you appear to have given this some consideration, could you please elaborate on why you see it as a problem that "very few" cops have served their country, or gone to war for it. And please describe your process of taking a "really close look at cops today".

Many years ago a nutbag (clinically insane) managed to purchase weapons to commit a serious crime in Tasmania

The knee-jerk reaction from the Australian PM (John Howard) was to ban all semi-automatic weapons in Australia, including my son's lovely Ruger 10/22.

What made me mad was that some wimpy/greeny/publicity seeking ratbags jumped onto the bandwagon and demonised anybody in Australia who owned a firearm. One such company was Sanity Music so naturally they lost my business along with my family and friends at the local range.

The best way to deal with such ideological nutbags IMHO is to vote with your feet and fill their inbox as to why they have lost your business!

* Doggie *

Oh wow, one of those Deadly 10/22 Rugers.......


if you take a really close look at the cops today, very few have ever served their country, say nothing of going to war for it. And that my friends... is what I have a problem with. Sorry, but my feelings are what they are., and you cannot tell any of your senses...they are wrong.

Is it not true that, service to community is service to Country? For some, who wear a badge, the Country is their jurisdiction.
