Lot Testing Lapua


New member
I think it's been proven that lot testing of Eley (match grades) ammo is vital to achieve consistent target results. How about with Lapua Center X & Midas + ?
I think it's been proven that lot testing of Eley (match grades) ammo is vital to achieve consistent target results. How about with Lapua Center X & Midas + ?

Yes, lot testing Center X and Midas + is required to find the most accurate batches. Sometimes, one can get lucky and find a lot of Center X that will perform as well as their higher priced Midas + at $6.00 less per box.
I recently tested six lots of Center X and found one that was outstanding. I also shoot the best two lots through a chronograph before making a final decision. One advantage to Lapua ammo, the vendor will usually have the best lot you tested still in inventory, if you can get to your testing finished quickly. I have tested Eley Match lots the day after I received them, and low and behold the best one was sold when I called that afternoon. Center X is less expensive and shoots just as well in my Lilja chambered, Broughton 5C and Shilen Ratchet barrels.
We still have the same problem. You test for the best lots of Lapua or Eley, and when you go to order, no more is available. The you have to take 2nd or 3rd best available.
Eley or Lapua doesn't matter. The guy that gets there first with the most money gets the best stuff. I don't think anything will change that. Since most of us can't afford the best stuff you know where that leaves us. Just my opinion. Wayne
We still have the same problem. You test for the best lots of Lapua or Eley, and when you go to order, no more is available. The you have to take 2nd or 3rd best available.

Been saying the same thing for years - The big boys and deep pockets get first crack at the good stuff and everybody eles gets the sheet. Do the best you can or do as many are doing get out of the hobby. That is exactly what I have been told so many times when I complain . In short most are looking out for them selfs and don't care wheather you get a chance at the good ammo or not. garrisone.
solution is easy

Been saying the same thing for years - The big boys and deep pockets get first crack at the good stuff and everybody eles gets the sheet. Do the best you can or do as many are doing get out of the hobby. That is exactly what I have been told so many times when I complain . In short most are looking out for them selfs and don't care wheather you get a chance at the good ammo or not. garrisone.

The fat boys with their deep pockets have been taking the cream off the top for years, and bragged about it.

Easiest way to cure that game is everybody has to shoot what gets issued by the match director. Say Eley sponsor a match then they shoot Eley Tenex frm sealed boxes that gets issued when they take their place at the bench. If Lapua sponsor a match they do exactly the same only its Lapua X in sealed boxes. 25 shots to zero and tune and 25 to score.

It will make the fat boys squeal, but hey! Who cares? It would certainly even up the playing field.
Is one supplier more likely than another to treat customers more fairly with respect to supplying lots for testing which may be available in enough quantity to satisfy reorders ? (Hope that makes sense.)
Something that would make the situation a lot better for all is for any of the companies to make bigger lots of the "Good Stuff". Back when Federal was making the "Good Stuff", some of those lots seemed to be pretty big and shot well in a large number of rifles. Wonder why the Makers across the Pond can make ammo as good as the Federal was? BTW, I have heard that all the machinery that made that good Federal is sitting idle, just waiting to be activated by someone with Deep Pockets. Wouldn't it be nice to have some more Home Made Good Stuff?

Another thought is there must be a way to qunatify WHY one lot is superior to others. Wonder why that avenue hasn't been traveled? It would seem to me that an Ammo Manufacturer would be a lot farther ahead to make a product that was as universally great as it could and should be.
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Again someone eles is saying what I have said before and got knocked down for it ! I have always wondered why federal made some of the best ammo to compete with that was known at the time ,all the sudden pulled the plug and quit makeing the ammo. Some say it was because federal was not makeing money on what they made for 22 lr. I would like to know the real reason why that part of their market was dumped. Their price was reasonable and fair and people wanted to buy it -buy all they could get.Even now some folks would jump at a chance to get some of the good federal. Now Elley ,Rws, wolf Lapaua are all the best 22 LR ammo to be had and you caint buy any of it less than $12.00 a box . and it all comes from Europe.When you find something that will shoot in your perticular rifle it is gone. Until somebody here in the USA starts makeing ammo that is good and that will compete it will be the same story. I say again do the best with what you can get or find something eles to occupy your time because like the old addage says Money talks and bull walks. garrisone.
Is one supplier more likely than another to treat customers more fairly with respect to supplying lots for testing which may be available in enough quantity to satisfy reorders ? (Hope that makes sense.)

Yes, Lapua.
But we don't buy from Lapua, we buy from distributors or retailers. Supply and demand reigns. Some retailers charge you to do a lot number search in their warehouse. Some don't even keep track of lot numbers. bob
Wasn't the federal stuff shut down about the time the co became part of a big conglomerate. Prior to that wasn't it a stand alone corp.? Back in the day ( prior to the mid 80's)CCI mini group and green tag were pretty fair until they were gobbled up as well. Mini group morphed into something with a red white & blue packaging theme and Green tag became less than what mini was prior. This was all back when I was still shooting 4 pos sb competition as well whole lot of other games.
The result of the big eating up the little

Wasn't the federal stuff shut down about the time the co became part of a big conglomerate. Prior to that wasn't it a stand alone corp.? Back in the day ( prior to the mid 80's)CCI mini group and green tag were pretty fair until they were gobbled up as well. Mini group morphed into something with a red white & blue packaging theme and Green tag became less than what mini was prior. This was all back when I was still shooting 4 pos sb competition as well whole lot of other games.

This is a good example of how Free Enterprise ceased to be a good thing for we the people. There are many more example like it. I'm surprised they didn't ship the machines off shore some place and make ammo there. Once wealth becomes so concentrated that the so called "Groups" have the power to take perfectly good products off the market simply to drive profits to the bottom line, free enterprise ceases to serve anyone except the Group.

I once saw a documntry about this. Al Dunlap was the first guy to do this. He bought Sunbeam Appliance Company and systimatically dismantled it for it's assets. Perfectly good company that made good products, had a great workforce with good benefits and had a lot of assets. Somehow, I can't make this be a good thing for our society.

Groups tend to have an entirely different view on what constitutes acceptable returns on investment. If the production machinery hasn't already been sold for scrap it will undoubtedly still be there. No one else would have wanted it. Those that want to remain in the .22rf ammunition market already have their own machinery and tooling. No one apart from the Chinese would even consider entering such a market.
In the western world, groups look after themselves and their share holders. Society does enter into the equation. Personally I think we have come to far down the totally capitalist road.

Groups tend to have an entirely different view on what constitutes acceptable returns on investment. If the production machinery hasn't already been sold for scrap it will undoubtedly still be there. No one else would have wanted it. Those that want to remain in the .22rf ammunition market already have their own machinery and tooling. No one apart from the Chinese would even consider entering such a market.
In the western world, groups look after themselves and their share holders. Society does enter into the equation. Personally I think we have come to far down the totally capitalist road.

I am in full agreement. I know the whys of it all but the the very thing that brought our society to the party ended up in the hands of bullies who have squashed our cake. Same for Unions. They out-lived their time. They have ruined every industrilized country and now the Groups have taken what there was left to take.

One would think society could look back and see that we were all better off when everyone made a modest profit and every town had one or two small industries that provided a very good living for those who worked in them. Instead, we touted Free Enterprise and let it run it's course. We were a lot better off when there were factories everywhere and those working in them paying taxes every week. Those working in the factories made a good life , regarless of their station. There were no LBO folks around but, instead, there were the Families in different strata and all worked together. Now, folks like Romney, have $350M and the burning ambition to be president. Who could ever imagine a LBO expert could rally the country around him? Mot me, for sure. Some of us have lived long enough to have seen when it was great and when it all went to H---. Some of us are even sharp enough to realize why it went wrong.

Came to mind a song, "End of the Innocence" sung by Don Hendley. We have seen the end of the innocence.
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There is one rule in life that dwarfs all others. It's the golden rule. He who has the gold rules. Don't believe it? Then you be a fool. Greg
There is one rule in life that dwarfs all others. It's the golden rule. He who has the gold rules. Don't believe it? Then you be a fool. Greg

I would submit that it is the Golden Rule that has put us in the place we are at. Even the Robber Barons of old weren't as relentless as the current lot. Fate seemed to, somehow, befall the old ones. That was, of course, before the Porsonal Computer and it is a fine job IBM and Mr Gates has done to us. Perhaps indstead of being concerned about the health of women in the Third World, the Gates Foundation could see it's way clear to spen a few bucks on getting the folks their Software has put inot the streets, a decent job some place?