Looking for Advice!


Welcome to the sport! Your in a great location for rimfire benchrest. You should be too far away from Robert Oates who has guns on several price ranges for sale about all the time. Also check out www.ir5050.com there are some very good ranges in NC shooting IR5050 that would also welcome you and help any way they can. Look at the ranges tab and then North Carolina. You will find name and phone numbers for the range masters. Give them a call. They will be glad to help you out also. And if I can help in anyway, let me know 304-266-0081. Www.cmsgwv.com and www.ir5050.com

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The A.R.A.Junior class

John, the A.R.A. also has a separate class for youngsters that allows them to shoot/compete with the veterans in the same competitons as everyone else,yet they have a separate division that they can compete in as well as being counted in the regular scoring to boot.Maddisyn Reed,Malachi McFarland and others are exceptional younger shooters that are doing so well their even shown in both fields as true competitors (as shown in the link below.). Check the Jr. Outdoor Unlimied A-line as the well as the Unlimited A-line and you can see they as well as others younger shooters do well in these competitions


Guess the main thing is too get them out there to try to see if it's something they can enjoy and have fun with and off the handheld media!