Looking for a source for bullet jackets


New member
With J-4 requiring the purchase of large number of cases of jackets does anyone know of any other source for 6mm, 1.050 jackets?
Call Bart-Kim.
Really good jackets.
The last 5K I made, I had only 1 that felt different/reject. And the next time shooting, it still went into the same hole.....
That's all I am saying on jackets.......oh, Ken Hottenstein said he saw the same thing last year......
I'm sorry to waste your time. I failed to read and be intelligent enough to realize that you were asking about one length in particular. Yes, 8 cases is a little bit much unless you are going to make them for several shooters
Yes, 8 cases is a little bit much unless you are going to make them for several shooters

unless you like making bullets with jackets from the same lot, and you don't mind fronting the costs, and not placing orders each and every year (assuming you order from Berger/J4).
Speaking from the past, if you find a particular lot of jackets that shoot well, get a loan and buy as many as you can. Really good jackets are better than good jackets and they cost the same.