Long Range Video



I recall on a visit to Hawk's Ridge that a shooter there had a video setup to spot his shots on target. I also recall seeing a post several years back about who made it and that such a setup could be purchased. If anyone knows the particulars for purchasing one already put together or the components needed to put one together myself, I would appreciate the info.
I'm setup with just a normal Camcorder hooked to a transmitter at the target.
And then a 21" TV hooked to a receiver at my bench.
Only had it a few months and hardly used it, but it gives me a great colored picture from a 1000 yards.

Happy Shooting
Donovan Moran
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It was Leonard Baity. I don't have #, some on the board may have it.

:DThis thread really makes me smile! I was the guinea pig for the test on that Friday at Hawks Ridge. The system worked perfectly. BTW, I got to fire about 20 rounds to test the unit --- and get my zero. Guess who won that monthly championship.;)

Jim Hardy
More info on this subject?

New here and to making little holes as well. Am really interested in the use of RC (Radio Control) equipment for remote target viewing. Where is there more detailed info on a good setup? I'll set and listen...I learn more with my lips closed...:D

I've seen you shoot, better make that a widescreen to see all of the shots!!!

See you Saturday!


I've seen you shoot, better make that a widescreen to see all of the shots!!!

See you Saturday!


:D Wolfy, Oneflyer needs 3 camera systems. One for his target and two for the adjacent neighbors!

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You getting lazy in your old age Frank???:D...Long walk down in the pits to see where your bullets hit:p
I finally went with this setup after talking to the maker. This setup is cheap but should work well up to a mile. You have to get a Technician license to operate it. According to the ARRL (Amateur Radio Relay League), the youngest person to pass the test was 5 years old. I looked at the questions, very easy. You can supposedly take the test online.



Man, that would be nice. Not as much exercise, but more shooting. Have you had a chance to use it yet? Which model?
Boyd- Actually I was thinking about producing a cable show about long range shooting. Based on some of the responses I've gotten from some of my "buddies" on the range I guess I'll approach the Comedy Channel first. Thanks for the scope info. Do you see or heard of any 30MM stuff on the horizon with that company?
Don't worry,you don't shoot "THAT" bad:D....Yes there is some talk of a 30mm something or other in the future