Long-Range Shooting in September

Long-Range Shooting in September at the Whittington Center

This September Long-Range shooters have the opportunity to shoot up to 14 continuous days (8-21 September).

The practice for the US Fullbore Championships (Spirit of America/SoA) is the 8th of September followed by 7 days of individual and team shooting at 300, 500, 600, 900 and 1,000 yards. This championships is for both Prone Sling and F-Class shooters.

On Sunday the 16th there will be an international team match, the Stars & Stripes Challenge. This match has two components.

One is for 8-man teams one from each country. The USA, Canada, Australia and South Africa. The second is open to 4-man teams in F-Open, F/TR and sling. These 4- man teams can be made up from any number of countries. Example one person from USA, one from UK, one from German, one from Ireland or all from one country. Three strings of 15 shots at 1,000 yards.

The third part of the two weeks of shooting is the 9th US F-Class National Championships. Practice starts on Monday the 17th and the Championships runs through the Friday the 21st.

You can enter all or part of these festivities. You can shoot in up to 2 National Championships and an international Match. You F'ers keep in mind The Stars & Stripes Challenge Team Match would be an excellent way to get zeros and training for the FCN which starts the next day. Plus you will get to say you shot in an international competition.

Details and entry forms are located at - http://www.baldeaglesrc.org/ You can even enter on line and pay by credit card or PayPal.

See you there,
Larry Bartholome