Leonard Worthy Makes Gold


Bob Pekaar

This weekend, at a great Regionals in Bristol, Leonard Worthy showed all how to shoot. He drove in late and told us he needed four HOF points to make it to the Gold level. With little practice on Friday, he took the three gun and one other class on Saturday. He got'em and placed 2nd in 3 gun on Sunday. Couldn't go to a nicer guy. Congratulations South Georgia Boy.
The match results are in Cliff's post below concerning the Regionals.

Congratulations and an extra hurrah for making the Gold
I am happy to see you make the big step

Your friend,
Congratulations Lenard! On the win and reaching the Gold Level. Hope to see you again in Sept. in Kettlefoot.

Ken & Cherie
Congratulations on some great shooting, and also for making the gold level. That was well earned, and well deserved. Well done!
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Thank you all very much. As usual, Cliff put on a great match. A big thanks to him and all who helped to make the match a success. Thanks to Ron McCormick for selling me the best 10.5 lb. gun that Calfee ever built (Ole #3) and providing me with superior wind flag stands and a windicator (the McCormickator), Larry Shellhouse for building me a great Sporter, Bob Collins for keeping me supplied with Eley, and all those from whom I've learned over past years. See y'all at the Nat's in September! :D
Congratulations From Calfee

Leonard Worthy this is a message from Calfee in his own words:

"Friend Leonard, I congratulated the stud on his meters victory. I congratulate you on your yards victory.

Your Friend

Bill Calfee"
What can I say. Great shooting, my friend. YOU ARE ALWAYS A CONTENDER. It is a pleasure to watch you shoot. Hope to see you soon. Congratulations on the gold.