Left the Range


Jim Pickerill

Left the Range
I was just informed that Ferris Pindell passed away this morning.
He was a true and dear friend. He will be missed.

Left the Range
I was just informed that Ferris Pindell passed away this morning.
He was a true and dear friend. He will be missed.


God Bless Mr. Pindell and his entire family........... Great innovators don't come along often... Ferris was one of the VERY best in the shooting sports.

Left the Range
I was just informed that Ferris Pindell passed away this morning.
He was a true and dear friend. He will be missed.


I live a few minutes west of him, and had not heard a thing about his passing. Terrible news! Now we've lost one of the very greatest inovators ever, and a fine man as well
Our condolences to his entire family.
It was one of my highlights to have met Ferris at WBC8 and a couple of times since, his innovations and contributions to our sport, Benchrest and shooting are enormous, he will never be forgotten......we are truly diminished.

Ian & Helen
My condolences to his entire family.
Terrible news! Now we've lost one of the very greatest inovators ever, and a fine man as well!!

Paul Trautig
the Netherlands
Never had the privilege of meeting Mr. Pindell, but few people have made iconic improvements to accurate shooting and he is one of them. His name as well as his partner in developing the 6ppc will stand in the top section of the Benchrest Hall of Fame as long as the game is shot.

Thank you sir for the limited time you spent with us. We are all enhanced because of it.

We laid my uncle Ferris to rest on April 13, 2011. I have always looked up to him from a very early age. Whether we talked guns, running a lathe, playing pool or eternal things, he was always a pleasure. I am blessed to have known and loved him more like a "dad" than an uncle. He kept a quote posted in his shop, which I memorized as a kid: "Accuracy is the resut of a multitiude of tremendous trifles." That's what drove him as an innovator to continually try to improve on the bullet. He really loved all of his benchrest shooting friends. My greatest honor was to accompany him to the super shoot at Kelbly's ranch in May each of the past three years, when my aunt June was no longer able to feel as safe driving that distance. Last year, as we sat in my vehicle listening to the the first shots at the start of the match, tears welled up in his eyes as he saluted the shooters and said, "See you boys. I'll not be back." He was right. The Lord was good to him for 91 years. The whole world was blessed by his life. For those who did not know him, no words are adequate to describe his life. For those who did, no words are necessary. Thank you, Uncle Ferris for your influence on my life. Indyspd
We laid my uncle Ferris to rest on April 13, 2011. I have always looked up to him from a very early age. Whether we talked guns, running a lathe, playing pool or eternal things, he was always a pleasure. I am blessed to have known and loved him more like a "dad" than an uncle. He kept a quote posted in his shop, which I memorized as a kid: "Accuracy is the resut of a multitude of tremendous trifles." That's what drove him as an innovator to continually try to improve on the bullet. He really loved all of his benchrest shooting friends. My greatest honor was to accompany him to the super shoot at Kelbly's ranch in May each of the past three years, when my aunt June was no longer able to feel as safe driving that distance. Last year, as we sat in my vehicle listening to the the first shots at the start of the match, tears welled up in his eyes as he saluted the shooters and said, "See you boys. I'll not be back." He was right. The Lord was good to him for 91 years. The whole world was blessed by his life. For those who did not know him, no words are adequate to describe his life. For those who did, no words are necessary. Thank you, Uncle Ferris for your influence on my life. Indyspd

Steve, it has created fond memories when you guys came to visit at Kelblys.
Thanks for the memories.

God bless you, your wife and June.
I'm sure Ferris loved and appreciated you both and his mate of many years, June.

Yes, we pretty much knew that was Ferris's last Super Shoot.