Left the Range


Sorry to report
After 90 years Elton Jeffery has left the range
Elton was a long time BR shooter in Visalia Ca, and great friend to all
He is survived by his younger brother Norm, also a shooter
Our prayers go out to the brothers, who were very close

Dan Lutke
Sorry to get this news and...

My sincere condolences to Norman. Both Elton and Norm were very competitive bench rest shooters, especially between themselves where there was a very strong sibling rivalry. They were also avid waterfowlers and belonged to a duck club in the central California valley area. Elton especially loved his duck hunting. He once told me he never missed an opener and could outshoot Norman day-in and day-out...sorry Norman but those were his words!! In later years, trudging the marsh became more difficult for Elton but he would still go to the club to kibitz with the boys...and maybe get in a card game! Haven't seen Elton at a match in years but can still picture him at a bench testing loads with a cigarette in hand while watching the conditions. Am truly sorry for your loss, Norm, we are all diminished by his passing.
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I remember being at a UNL 10 shot match in Visalia quite some years ago.

Elton, shooting a varmint rifle, won the 100 yard 10 shot agg.

Pretty impressive, but Elton just moved on to the 200 without comment.

Us return to battery guys were pretty humbled.

Steve Kostanich
LOL, Steve

I remember being at a UNL 10 shot match in Visalia quite some years ago.

Elton, shooting a varmint rifle, won the 100 yard 10 shot agg.

Pretty impressive, but Elton just moved on to the 200 without comment.

Us return to battery guys were pretty humbled.

Steve Kostanich

I'll always remember that one, too!