Lee Hachigian beats Joe Krupa to win the" Michigan 200 y. 4 Gun".


Tim B.
Some of the best shooters in the upper mid-west / Eastern region were at WWCCA Plymouth, MI for the "Michigan 200 y. 4 Gun".
Under very trying conditions. Actually, mostly, almost, no conditions. The Famous Wind Shooters of the Eastern Region had a very hard time with the conditions. Everyone had a large group or 2.
Thunderstorms were threating, partly cloudy skies, sunny mornings. But, very little wind. It was frustrating.
Anyway on to the results.

Sporter class.
1. Jim Hutchison
2. Jack Neary
3. Steve Theye
Small group Tim Bassham .215"

1. Larry Gage
2. Ron Robovitsky
3. Jack Neary
Small group Larry Gage .213"

1. Lee Hachigian
2.Ted Heindselman
3. Larry Gage
Small group Steve Theye .257"

1. Lee Hachigian
2. Greg Reed
3. Steve Theye
Small group Jim Hutchison .191"

3 Gun
1. Larry Gage
2. Lee Hachigian
3. Jim Hutchison

4 Gun
1.Lee Hachigian
2. Larry Gage
3. Steve Theye

By the way. Joe's right wing is wrapped up. :eek:
So he could not soar with the Eagles. But, he was at the tournament. You could see the pain and anguish.
Joe loves the game. And he had to sit out. But, he was there.
What a trooper.
Joe is the best.

Tim B.
Hey, congratulations to the winners, and good shooting to all. So what Tim is saying is that, the only way Joe can be beaten is when he doesn't compete?:eek:

Hi Dan,
I am not sure. This was Lee's idea. He's pretty quick with a b... in his hand.
Most of the guys wanted to shoot their rail guns. And we still have to have enough shooters to fill the roster for the club.
We really thought a lot more people would have been there. It was a ton of fun.
Everyone had a good time. I didn't here any grousing or complaining.
20 on Sat.. 22 Sunday.
Bill Gammon shot HV. He sold his LV and is waiting for the new LV. A friend of Chuck McClure came out. First time shooting group. Greg Wallace. He had a Rem. 6BR. Had some nice groups. With the occasional flyer.

Dan. When I met you Lee said you were a trouble maker.
Lee has an idea to have this format next year. Only 100y. The MI Short 4 Gun. Maybe we can get some more people out there. Maybe you could make some room on your calender and come up.
Mike Brenner drove up from Cincinnati????
Methinks that Larry Gage has got a new barrel. He won up at our place a week or so ago.

What happened to Kroop's arm. Somebody's husband catch up with him?

No husband. But, he was out of the country recently.
Well, maybe it was a husband. They like to chop off heads over there. Maybe Joe touched something he should not have.

I overheard Larry say. It was an old barrel.
And when I asked he said he pre-loaded on Sat. For Sunday.
And he can not remember when he last changed his load.
Jim and Larry were shooting really good. They are tough customers.
When I retire. I would like to go to their Western Practice ground. Heard they shoot a lot of pistol out there. And some BR. Prolly should get my glasses up to par also.

Dick. The old guys said it was a very tough conditions. I would not know. There was very little wind. And the mirage was different. Sometimes there.....and sometimes not.

Sat. I did well. Sunday I had an equipment failure. And A BRAIN Fart at the same time.
New leather scope covers. I must have twisted them. And the ring came loose.
Thought it was just conditions.
Jason Coyer make the best scope cover. Perfect fit. Real nice.
Tim, the reason they came pre-loaded on Sun. was because they had so much wood to haul home they needed the extra room in the truck!!! Great shooting Larry an Jim. How about Jim's high one in the unlimited with a bag gun? Richard, it's not Hutch an Gage any more, better change that to Gage an Hutch the way Larry is shooting.

Jeff Aberegg
Congratulations Lee on the 4 gun and to Larry on the 3 gun!