leade .015 longer


New member
Took my 7 mag out shooting a while back , (my hunting rifle), and noticed that it wasn't grouping like it used to....just now got around to checking OAL with alot of the same bullets that i had measured when the gun was new....all oal's are right at .015 longer than originals...now i know that this is a natural progression, but i don't know that i have put 600 rounds , tops, thru it....No overheating the bbl, not alot of aggressive cleaning, etc...is this normal? Time to rebarrel, or would a set back do? (1")..If i do rebarrel, any one have any thoughts on barrel makers? This will be a 7 mag (Rem) so i'm guessing on stainless as the metal....any input as to having it Nitrided,,,have heard good and real bad......Thanks for any thoughts...rsbhunter
you said lead is plus 0.015, but also said "oal's are 0.015 longer"..

bullets easily will vary 0.015 in lenght in a box......did you measure with the same bullet as the first time ( hint...keep that first bullet so all other meassurements have a reference point).

did you measure base of case to tip of bullet or base of case to ogive ??

mike in co

What i was hoping to say was that the leade (throat) has legthened by .015...this was using the same Stoney point(now Hornady) OAL comparator, measuring multiple (4 or 5) bullets of each make and weight, as compared to the beginning....i understand that one may have been different, but all 5 bullet types were checked, and each one was .014-.015 different....the OAL was longer, than what the starting was, thereby showing the throat or leade has eroded....Wish i had stated it better the first time...rsbhunter
Bad day...

It might have been that, but on the same range session, i did shoot this group with another rifle, so i have to at least suspect the rifle, but it will be taken out again before i condemn it...
if you have magazine length left, seat your bullets out further, and try again. dont forget the basics either, is something loose, is the scope going bad, could be anything. if it shot well the last time you had it out, and now suddenly it quit shooting, i would not be convinced that the throat is the main problem.
seating bullets out further

I will try that, it wasn't a big difference, just groups went from +/- 1" to 1-1/4-1-1/2" at hundred....Now, if i seat the bullets out the .015 amount, and life returns to being good, how long can i expect it to last? Does bbl /throat erosion happen faster as the material is eroded? This is a hunting rifle, so even 300 rounds would be more than what i will shoot.....And it's not that it won't do what i need at 100-500 yards, it's just....small tiny groups are SO much more fun!!!!! rsbhunter
If seating the bullets out doesn't help you may want to look at your muzzle crown for wear. - nhk
muzzle crown wear

It might be worn, i have a muzzle brake, so it hasn't been damaged, but i will check it as well