Laser for setting flags

Laser attacks on Aircraft



Read it. Just opinions. Where is the ophthalmologist report....Eye doctor.
Now there was a case years ago. A Soviet Ship(in US waters neat Seattle, WA.) trained a targeting laser on a US Coast Guard Helo. A US Navy LT. Commander said his eyes were damaged. And it was back up with Doctor reports. As he was trying to get a disability discharge.
Apples and oranges.
Let's talk about EMI And Static electricity. Ever see the Vid. with the exploding gas can???? I have seen a couple.
Auburn Hills, MI. Bosch fuel lab. Burned to ground. Static Electricity.
1977 I was a gas station attendant. New law "NO SMOKING" during refuel. Could I get the City Police to put out their smokes. NO. And I was threatened.
Most gas station fires are from wrecks.
Hear about the cell phone disaster at a gas station?
Me neither.
More "Poe Me" BS.
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Of the fellows that have posted on this subject, it seems to me that the only one that has specific specialized knowledge about laser's potential hazards in this application is Jerry Stiller. Rereading his post, might be a good idea. As to who might have been hurt, I would think that the idea would be to prevent any injury, including the first one. Not that they are in any way the same, but I can remember the arguing that took place, years ago, when the range that I was on the board of, banned alcohol consumption on the premises, except for special occasions, where no shooting was to take place. It was almost as enlightening as listening to some old shooter argue against having to wear eye or ear protection, even though the requirement to do so was plainly stated in the rules. I should add that at the time I was in charge of the range.

Boyd. Thanks for reading my post.
Wear your safety glasses.
Jackie. I concur.

I think we need to know and quantify the real dangers and liabilities of laser devices being used to set wind flags.

I do not want to see any of the following happen:
1) Someone be blinded or have their eyes damaged because of a laser device on a range.
2) Someone be the subject of litigation as a result of using one of the devices at a range.
3) See a club subjected to litigation should such an unfortunate event occur.

I think any one of the above three is sufficient reason for this matter to be fully addressed by the benchrest community and those who shoot at and/or direct the shooting at ranges that support benchrest competition.

Such an evaluation/determination would take someone more knowledgeable than me. I have a substantial background in physics but not an expert knowledge of this particular topic. That background leads me to have significant concerns regarding their safety as they are being used. I recognize that some of you do not think there is a problem. Perhaps not. I gather from the writings of others of you that you, also, have trepidations and/or real concerns.

Jackie, I fully support your earlier suggestion that Mr. Stiller and/or someone sufficiently knowledgeable develop a "paper" for presentation to either or both the IBS and NBRSA organizations for further actions on this matter. (Mr. Stiller, please pardon me as I do not intend to commit you to anything. But, your post No. 98 DID presents what I thought was the most factual/scientific info re: this subject.)

Guys -- a quantifier/explanation to what I've just written -- I do not shoot group benchrest -- it's just not "my thing". But, I do shoot accurate rifles and do like VFS. What I've just written expresses my concerns both as a rifle shooter and as a board member of the Tomball Gun Club. I DO NOT want anything to happen that would interfere with; (1) the Tomball Gun Club; (2) the TGC holding matches where you are welcomed; nor (3) the shooting sport(s) as a whole.

I don't know the answers but I think there are those among us who can develop those answers. I think, for all of us, we need to do so.

Glen Oakes

Glen. Are you running for office?
Wear your safety glasses.!!!!!!
Saftey should be First. Now a thought/question. Why would it not be possible to have seperate setups (Non Lazer and Lazer) whichever order. With the Lazer setup I see no need to look back into the beam. Simply take a paddle (Ping Pong, Badmitten whatever)cover it with a corse matte (the corser the better)piece of whichever color construction paper your colored Lazer is visible with (a piece of brown corragated ruffed with a light sand paper would also work). The paddle could be hand held or mounted out to the side of your cart. Start at the rifle and follow the beam with the paddle as you walk down range. Just a thought until something better comes up.

Roger. I usually use my laser when most people are gone.
For alignment purposes. A Standard USA Beer Gut works just fine. I walk done. Turn around a few times to check alignment. Place a flag. Or 2. Hang my target. 200y.
And walk back. Check the balance of tail fin and surveyors tail.....
Oh, yea. Wear your safety glasses!!!!

Quote by Stiller"8. The only glasses that will help are laser safety glasses for sure. Any sunglass that has 10% transmission in that waveband will reduce the affect by the percentage also. By the way, 10% is very dark. Most welding glass is 1% or so for acetyline gas welding."

Zippy myabe you should read more carefully or make your posts a little more detailed.

Regular safety glasses dont help anything.

No, I'm not running for anything. And, if the club decides they've had enough of me after my current term ends in a couple of years, so be it. But, until they do, I'll do my best to work for the best interests of TGC. Should that lead to restrictions you don't like and/or agree with -- tough!.

All the best,

Protect yourself. Wear your safety glasses.!!!!!!!!!!!

So you feel that 50, 100, 200 other shooters should have to wear special safety glasses just so you can play with your laser on your beer gut, that's the selfishness I was talking about. Setting flags absolutely does not require the precision of a laser, it can be done with more than sufficient precision with existing techniques without possibly endangering others. If you can't set flags at 100 yards by yourself that it sad, and if no one will help you set at 200 that is even sadder.
I have shot at the Super Shoot and both Nationals several times and numerous regional matches and have never seen anyone wearing safety glasses while just setting out flags nor should they have to. We are already participating in an activity with inherent safety concerns, why add another for someone's convenience.
In my mind Jerry Stiller knowledge and warnings on lasers should be heeded.
You guys did not read my post. I used a green laser Yesterday.
And From Mon. to Thurs. I was around, 9 different lasers, welding sheet metal.
And I can still see to type this.
gacamp. No selfishness here. I was the only shooter at this range for 2 hrs.
The laser is a tool. Just like any other...
I am just saying. Sometime it's all BS.
Like the Condor and lead bullets in CA. Necropsy doc. Said Condor died of lead poisoning.
The Condor was shot to death.
The CA Legislature bans lead bullets in Condor area.
CA Fish and Game says no this will be for the whole state.
Stonewell good vid.
Everyone should watch it.
Effects are flash blindness, loss of night vision, startled pilot, glare, 50' for several seconds will cause no permanent damage, your flags are not straight, people are mad at you....

Oh Yea. Wear your safety Glasses.!!!!!!!!!!!
You are on a gun range.
Stonewell good vid.
Everyone should watch it.
Effects are flash blindness, loss of night vision, startled pilot, glare, 50' for several seconds will cause no permanent damage, your flags are not straight, people are mad at you....

Oh Yea. Wear your safety Glasses.!!!!!!!!!!!
You are on a gun range.

When guns are not being shot! Is that too difficult for you to understand? Fine if you set them up by yourself, just leave it off when there is a crowd around. Is that too hard to understand?
I can assure you that as a affiliate club of the NBRSA, The Tomball Gun Club will ask the Gulf Coast Region to submitt a agenda item to the Board of Directors to look into the safety concerns, and liabilities, of the use of Lasers while setting flags at Matches.........jackie
Thanks Jackie, I had planned to bring that up at the Bluebonnet and the nats if I go.
But since you are aware and taking hold of this I will bow to your seniority (in more ways than one ;)
Ain't it the truth but I got to tell ya, I don't think I have seen anything that looks any more goofy than most people with those Bluetooth earpieces.

Ditto- I usually wonder "who in the hexx is this"? Is he really that important that a call cnt be missed. This country has really
taken a big hit w/ phones over the last 10-15 yrs. Kids do something like 500+++ texts/DAY-every day. How many million $$ of taxpayers money buying phones for grade schoolers??You cant go down the cereal isle without a couple yahoos calling home to see if they need Cherrios. Have some balls-buy a box and take it home without checking.

We have one shooter that 'orders' his wife where to put the flags-"No the other way"!!!!