Larry Costa deserves much praise.

JD Mock

New member
After battling with Gene for several days, Larry came up .0007 inch short of his second SS win. As far as I could tell, he showed no signs of bitterness and was a good sport. Congratulations on great shooting. James

Knowing Larry, that's just fuel to the fire for him. He did shoot great. I wasn't there but knowing the competition and conditions up there, he definitely put on a great performance. Larry is a great competitor and he will continue to shoot consistently great where ever he goes. Looking forward to shooting against him hopefully soon.

Matthew S Keller
This year Gene, winner & first place, beat Larry, second place, by .0007 in the 2 gun agg at the SUPER SHOOT.

Last year George Carter, winner & first place, beat Gene, second place, by .0007 in the 2 gun agg at the SUPER SHOOT.

It was amazing to watch the competition and sportsmanship of these winners.
Larry also takes time to help a fellow shooter that is having health problems. How many people in the running would take time for that? There are 2 special people in that equation.

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