Lack of supplies



I just wanted to voice my concern over the lack of supplies in reloading materials here in PA and see if anyone else is feeling the crunch this bad. I spent 3 hrs calling every gun store i could find in PA to ask if they had large rifle primers in stock after three hrs I found one store that had Rem LR that was it! I was on a trip to cleveland ohio two days ago and I thougth ha this is shot gun only area for hunting maybe there would primer so I spent Hr calling around and found one store that had LR cci200 limit 500. that will not even come close to getting me threw the shooting season! Is it this bad every were or is it worse in some places?

So they have stock at the stores? because my supplier is saying he looking at 9 month wait for more stock! All our stores are out of stock.
I spent 3 hrs calling every gun store i could find in PA to ask if they had large rifle primers in stock after three hrs I found one store that had Rem LR that was it! I was on a trip to cleveland ohio two days ago and I thougth ha this is shot gun only area for hunting maybe there would primer so I spent Hr calling around and found one store that had LR cci200 limit 500. that will not even come close to getting me threw the shooting season! Is it this bad every were or is it worse in some places?

They're on GunBroker -- if you want to pay the price.
Your not Kidding

What the hay I am sure these people stocked up before the scare to intentionally gouge us and they are half the reason that we are out of stock! So i will not support any of them but thank you for the lead.
I am sure these people stocked up before the scare to intentionally gouge us and they are half the reason that we are out of stock! So i will not support any of them but thank you for the lead.

In many cases, it's not the seller to blame; it's the buyers. There are plenty of no-reserve auctions that have a $.01 starting bid. The problem is there are too many buyers who think the sky's falling and they pay outlandish prices. I know someone who recently won one of those auctions for 5,000 primers; they'll probably go stale before he shoots half of them. Also, I recently saw an auction where 2,000 LR primers sold for over $200.
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Joe Public

Yes i see your point but I refuse to pay those prices now that the scare is over in the main stream media all the regular Joe's will stop buying my match grade bullets and primers for there AR reloading. It is crazy i have friend who works at Grices Gun Shop in central PA and he said he watch a guy reloading for a AR buy all 180 SMK's because they were out of hunting grade bullets he normally buys. So he got all the match grade bullets. I was confused because any brand bullets will work for AR for plinking but he usually shot SGK 150's When my buddy said to him way do you want SMK's his reply was they will work right? Not even knowing he could have save ton of money buying 2000 bullets that were cheaper he would have never been able to tell the differance!
he watch a guy reloading for a AR buy all 180 SMK's because they were out of hunting grade bullets he normally buys. So he got all the match grade bullets. I was confused because any brand bullets will work for AR for plinking but he usually shot SGK 150's When my buddy said to him way do you want SMK's his reply was they will work right? Not even knowing he could have save ton of money buying 2000 bullets that were cheaper he would have never been able to tell the differance!

His desire to shoot was greater than his need/desire to hold onto his money.
anything else

His desire to shoot was greater than his need/desire to hold onto his money.

I just wanted to point out his lack of knowledge in that SMK's are more match grade bullet. He could have purchased any of the mutiple other brands of 150 gr bullet and not have spent as much money. they had plenty of other 150 gr bullets in stock. due to his lack of knowledge and his scare factor he mad a large purchase of the wrong bullet for his purpose. In turn screwing all the match shooters who would use that bullet.
Just so you know I told my buddy that he should have explained this to him! He laughed and said it is his money and what do i care. I said to him you don't but i do because i need some bullets! he said they would be in in about week.

Now scale that up and Now Bench rest shooters start feeling the pinch because the Joe plinker buys your bench rest supplies
My LGS, here in western NC, used to have full shelves & seemed to do a great business. Noe the shelves are bare and the employees stand around talking to each other. Won't give a customer the time of day. When I asked when he'd have more SMK #1570's, he simply said "maybe in a year or so" and went back to BSing with his fellow clerk. Wisecrack responses by retailers to customers will eventually close their doors. I'm dealing with numerous suppliers on-line, paying no more, getting fine service and saving a ton by not driving to retailer to be insulted. .......................... just my $ .02 worth. (BTW - my annual purchases of ammo & firearm related goodies runs into the thousands $)
[H]e said he watch a guy reloading for a AR buy all 180 SMK's because they were out of hunting grade bullets he normally buys...he usually shot SGK 150's!

I just wanted to point out his lack of knowledge in that SMK's are more match grade bullet. He could have purchased any of the mutiple other brands of 150 gr bullet and not have spent as much money. they had plenty of other 150 gr bullets in stock.

But, his macho image goes higher if he shoots a 180 instead of a sissified 150. :cool:
The w ord from Sierra Bullets is that they are way behind on orders. It will take some time to catch up.
Maybe most of the year. They didn't give me a reason why. Just way behind on making bullets.
Heres what happens People panic and buy all existing stocks of reloading materials. Suppliers take back orders.
The producers , distributors send what they have to dealers , distributors still people buy all thay can get, so much so that the back orders are so much that
The producers never get caught up.
Remember we Reloaders are a small part of the producers business, Most of the products are sold for military and government agencys.
Thats what i have found out so far.
The supply chain is broken, until military , government orders are filled.
I just wanted to voice my concern over the lack of supplies in reloading materials here in PA and see if anyone else is feeling the crunch this bad. I spent 3 hrs calling every gun store i could find in PA to ask if they had large rifle primers in stock after three hrs I found one store that had Rem LR that was it! I was on a trip to cleveland ohio two days ago and I thougth ha this is shot gun only area for hunting maybe there would primer so I spent Hr calling around and found one store that had LR cci200 limit 500. that will not even come close to getting me threw the shooting season! Is it this bad every were or is it worse in some places?

Where are you at in PA? I'm in the SW corner of the state.
I have had good luck hitting up small out of the way little sport shops.
I was trying to find RL15 powder and it seems i could not find it any where.
then i thought about this little out of the way place and called, he said yea i got some. I was like i kid in a candy store.
I started sitting stuff on the counter. he was adding it up..I said you have any fed LR match primers. he looked at me funny and said, How many do you want.
Ah just just give me 300 that will keep my 6.5 creedmore shooting for the year & hunting season. well i left there with $200.00 dollars worth of stuff. He had more but i was out of money, they dont take credit cards that far out. cash only. I just did not have anymore. But I'm going back as soon as i can.
he said what you see is the last of the reloading stuff i have. Man there was a can of H4350 i wanted bad but i was out of money. lol...
but i have found i few places like that. one place i found cci 450's. I said how many can i get. he said how many you want. so i got 1k there.
I have enough stuff to hold me threw the year.
But yea it stinks, im not a bulk buyer, i buy what i use. But i got on it early so i have enough small primers for my ppc for the year.
I thought your post was quite funny, what seems to have happened is YOUR FIREND in the gunshop, just

SCREWED the guy looking for projectiles (they had others in stock but he sold them match grade bullets) and

by doing so just SCREWED YOU AS WELL, (now the match grade projectiles are not in stock) and further

screwed the buyer by charging him more for match grade than what he needed,

that is funny, talk about calling the kettle black, retailers taking advantage of a shooter happens every day

I must clean off my keyboard,


I just wanted to point out his lack of knowledge in that SMK's are more match grade bullet. He could have purchased any of the mutiple other brands of 150 gr bullet and not have spent as much money. they had plenty of other 150 gr bullets in stock. due to his lack of knowledge and his scare factor he mad a large purchase of the wrong bullet for his purpose. In turn screwing all the match shooters who would use that bullet.
Just so you know I told my buddy that he should have explained this to him! He laughed and said it is his money and what do i care. I said to him you don't but i do because i need some bullets! he said they would be in in about week.

Now scale that up and Now Bench rest shooters start feeling the pinch because the Joe plinker buys your bench rest supplies
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So True

They don't care what you buy as long as you spend money in there store. I just want to let everyone know that I did find some rem LR primers at a small shop and now have 2k of primers total that will keep me for this year's worth of shooting now time to gather up the rest of the bullets I need but i don't think I will have problem getting those. I have 5 pounds of powder and would like to get 5 more and I will be set.
In my area the panic buying and hoarding of 2009-2010 lasted a year or two before supplies got back to normal. Now, the same hoarding has depleted stocks as bad or worse than before.

If it's due to military contracts, how did supplies recover to normal after 2010? Military needs were just as high then.

It's mainly due to irrational fear and hoarding. All preety sad.
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It will not get better until the current administration in Washington is gone because they are going to continue trying to ban guns and tax ammo until they are voted out of office.If democrats win the house in the mid term elections you can turn the lights off for this country. I always aim to have enough stuff on hand to shoot at least a year, but I don't believe that will be enough to outlast the current shortage, because as long as obama and company are trying to ban guns anything ammo related will be bought as fast as it hits the shelves.
"irrational fear" LOL!!!

I try vic, I really try to just let it slide...... but you just keep pushing.

vic you're the guy who keeps telling us "it'll be OK, you'se guys are imagining stuff, NOBODY WHO MATTERS is after your guns!" You're the guy who uses the term "extreme" a lot, claiming that most folks on your side are actually perty cool with freedom :) Shucks, your (you wish he was) buddy Biden, "Schmokin' Joe," feels free to tell America to "fire a couple rounds in the air off your patio, THAT'LL tell 'em!" He must be a perfectly sane and normal guy eh???


Here's a copy/paste cross-section of quotes from some of your "irrelevant" and "extreme" friends..... nahhh, they're just some fringies off in the corner somewhere, nobody who could possibly affect policy in our nation.....

Waiting periods are only a step.
Registration is only a step.
The prohibition of private firearms is the goal.

Janet Reno

Nobody should be owning a gun which does not have a sporting

Janet Reno

If I could have banned them all...I would have!

Diane Feinstein

We're bending the law as far as we can
to ban an entirely new class of guns.

Rahm Emmanuel

We're here to tell the NRA their nightmare is true...

Charles Schumer

We're going to hammer guns on the anvil of relentless
legislative strategy! We're going to beat guns into

Charles Schumer

Banning guns addresses a fundamental right
of all Americans to feel safe.

Diane Feinstein

If I had my way, sporting guns would be strictly
regulated, the rest would be confiscated


Nancy Pelosi

I know you feel that "regular people like you" need to take time out to reassure us bitter clingers that WaBama and his followers are all there for us, that it's just those "extremists" that mumble about control.....the people who are actually HEARD are there for us, the ones that matter, heck, they're buying guns for themselves too. Like that one Brady guy...umm Sarah's husband, the astronaut.....he's a normal dude! He's so normal that he spent a couple grand on a gun JUST TO GET THE SATISFACTION OF TURNING IT IN!!! Right in the middle of the hype, right in the peak of the hoarding frenzy. Irrational??? Nahhhh, REG'lar people....

“Our main agenda is to have ALL guns banned. We must use whatever means possible. It doesn't matter if you have to distort facts or even lie. Our task of creating a socialist America can only succeed when those who would resist us have been totally disarmed.” ... Sarah Brady

Yeahhh, HER husband..... seems like an OK family to have as neighbors eh?

sorry vic, I ain't buyin' :)

Reminds me of the gasoline shortage in the 70'

All this kind of reminds me of the gasoline shortage in the 70'. True that the gubment is buying huge supplies of ammo. But I think in about a year it will settle out., at least I hope so. Personally I am pretty well fixed for primers, bullets, powder, etc. Just a bit short on small pistol primers. I hope I am right. If not I will become a sniper for the free and the brave.
If you make a point of watching the web dealers daily you can catch things becoming in stock. You have to be vigilant and check every day because once something pops up in stock it is usually out of stock a day later. Bruno's has primers listed in stock if you want to pay the price and wait and wait with no response and no way to contact him. I just recieved an invoice from Powder Valley for and order placed early Feb. At least they laid out the time line ahead of time, even though they are now a few weeks past it. Bruno's however, who knows? Just an order confirmation and a hope and prayer.

Why hasn't Mike in CO popped in this thread and insulted or belittled someone yet? Is he taking a turn at not reading or paying attention. LOL