Kettlefoot rba results ????

RBA Nationals

Ernie, just arrived back from a real good match, Bob Collins won the 10 gun, and the 6 target Unlimited, DJ Hepler came back to win the 6 gun again for about the 3rd time and the Sporter class championship with his new Calfee/Turbo sporter. Jody Reed took home the big cash for the high target of the match and won the 10.5 class championship. You missed some really fine eating and some great shooting. More details later.
Hey Ernie !

You missed a good match! It didn't rain near as much Saturday as they said it would and the conditions were right down your alley.
Unfortunately I hurt my back clearing some wild rose bushes and spent the weekend on top of a heating pad.I'll be ready for Blue Ridge this weekend.


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Equipment List

I shot three guns, and had a ball shooting all of them. Two Sporters and a Hall, one Sporter is my Calfee 54 Anschutz that I have been shooting for several years, the other Sporter was a new ULA with a Broughton barrel Wayne Smith put on last week, and the 10.5# gun (nick named Corvette because of the color – Steel Cities Gray) is a Hall with a Broughton barrel put together by Wayne Smith. It’s interesting because of the “timed” Jewel trigger has been “relaxed” so it has to be reset after every shot – no trouble at all. I would have shot “Kempley” a Hall - by Wayne, with the new von Ahrens tuner and Broughton barrel, but Rod’s gun scope went out and I loaned it to him, he figured it out and shot a 250 19X with it. I have Weaver and Leupold scopes on the guns.
By the way – I was shooting Black box Eley at 1078 fps. Eley has a new sixth machine coming on line and they will then upgrade the machines to its new spec’s, so I think that the new Black box will be better than Eley’s 2009 Red box.
By the way - it was the driest air I’ve ever seen on my meters – down to 6.95 grams of water per cubic meter on Sunday morning - I’ll have another article coming out soon explaining what this means.
Bob Collins
Congratulations Bob............................................

You have worked hard and deserve the also beat some other great shooters that I congratulate for their efforts!! Butterbean looks right at home holding that $50.00 bill.....that must have been part of his pocket change!!.:D:D:D
Ten Gun

Good shooting Bob : you had a handle on those Kettlefoot conditions.
Congratulations Bob! Man you took a load of trophies back to Ga.! Good shooting! You work harder on a target than anyone I know of and it paid off for you. See you down the road at a match somewhere.
Wow Bob!

:eek:That's the biggest woodpile I've ever seen that wasn't meant for a bonfire. That Cannington Cup sure is impressive......Mr. Jim would have loved to have been there for all that shooitn'. Those trophies show what consistency will get you. Sounds like y'all had a big time, wish I could've been there. Congratulations to all the winners.
That 'wood pile' was earned in some seriously tough conditions, and in my opinion, makes Bob one of the best.
Bob, you sure "turned it on" for this one! Thanks for everything, Tom