Kettlefoot Gun Club update

Shot rimfire nats at johnson city tn clide smith came over from bristol shot one is he still around bill brawand

Bill, I shot in that shoot too. Last rimfire shoot for the NBRSA, I think. Don Geraci Doc Dogen and a bunch of the old but good shooters were there.

My, and our good friend Claude Smith, passed away a few years back. We had just finished a $85,000 upgrade to the Kettlefoot range. Claude and I did the final grade work and planted the grass that August.
New firing line, 30 new benches, etc.

Then the following Spring, just before the Shamrock, Claude went to the range to help tear off its old roof and install a new one, Claude fell off the top and injured himself.. That was on a Tuesday just before the Shamrock. Jeff Summers and I had him on our relay, we had to set Claude's rest and bag up each relay. Claude never fully recovered and passed away not too long later,

I wish, sometimes, we, and you, could go back.


mrt claude at fairchance before planning to get to bristle never ben there DOC WAS GREAT GUY AS IS MOST SHOOTERS THANKS A MILLION BILL BRAWAND