Kentucky State ARA, Congratulations!


Beau, it is interesting to me that when a Calfee rifle wins Bill Calfee gets the credit and the name of the shooter is an after thought or not even named. Any shooter shooter using a non Calfee gun in a match is named as the winner. Why is that?
Why does the word "Calfee" or references to "Calfee" or even the guns he builds, create so much turmoil among the internet surfing public (at least this bunch)? I remember a movie Bill Murray starred in (I think it was "Where the Buffalo Roam"); he had a dog that he would simply yell "Nixon" and the dog would attack a replica of Nixon. That's about the reaction "Calfee" creates here. It's interesting to say the least. How many of you have your dog trained to attack on the word "Calfee)?

The "calfee response" is the same as you get on any over hyped misrepresentation of facts be it guns, cars, politics -what ever.
There are enough lies and half truths on the net now, imagine if nobody ever corrected the facts what garbage would be on these sites, it would render the sites useless for facts.
The people that push child porn see no wrong in their ways -you cannot make them see the error of their thinking either, same applies to Bills deciples! the dispute will continue.... it's all good joe :D
Beau, it is interesting to me that when a Calfee rifle wins Bill Calfee gets the credit and the name of the shooter is an after thought or not even named. Any shooter shooter using a non Calfee gun in a match is named as the winner. Why is that?

Here's something to consider James. I shot on Bench 4 Relay 3 and Kirk Gaston was on Bench 5 Relay 3. I believe if we had switched rifles every other match or every other bull for that matter, Kirk would still have beaten me. He's just better than I am and nobody can take that away from him.

If I had won the match I would not have said that "Gingersnap" won; I would have assumed that I won. However, I would have to give Bill Calfee a lot of the credit for building the gun. Same goes for Kirk. He has to give Gorham a lot of the credit for building the gun, but Kirk shot the targets. I can almost assure you that Gorham is happy with the way Kirk is shooting that gun.

I don't think people really give Calfee the credit for the match. I've shot against Alan Bates plenty of times and I would say Alan is a good shot. However, a lot of these guys who spend time around the top of the list did not do so until they got that Calfee gun. Will a Calfee gun make you a winner? No and Bill Calfee told me that in 1993 when I first approached him about building a gun. He said and I quote "you can't buy the win". But everybody wants to use what they consider the best whether it's in golf, basketball, racing or whatever.

I think using the name of the gun is a "Team Calfee" thing. Everybody in that circle knows who you are talking about. Donna Brown certainly knew who she was congratulating. She wasn't giving a match report.

So,who was she congratulating, Bill Calfee or Alan Bates?
BOTH !!!
are you piss't cause Alen use's a FARLEY rest :confused: let it go man let it go!

Looks like you are the one that pissed, I just asked a question. All I ever wanted was to know who won the match. FARLEY REST? Why would I care what kind of rest he was using, I didn't even give a $hit what rifle he was using, just wanted to know who won.

Well, you would have to ask her for sure but I believe she would have been congratulating Alan Bates.

Well good, if iI had been there Alan would have been the person I would have congratulated. He beat a very good field of shooters.
By far one one of the more stupidest posts refering to Calfee and his rifles and the names. :confused:
Most of the funny people were not Rimfire Shooters.Take a white pill and some water.

Today is june 2nd James and at last months match in the 10 possible finishing places I won 7 came in 2nd once and 3rd twice.The results are posted in the match results forum under the title Sloughhouse Benchrest Shooters Match 5.Two months ago at the Nationals I shot in relay 3 the first day and finished at 1:22 PM.On the third day of the match relay 3 finished at 11:30 AM in much better conditions.If you finished higher than I did you did well.My broken Nightforce scope is due back tomorrow june 3rd and I'll be practicing again this weekend.
Take another white tablet with some water this time and listen to your doctor.Not knowing which month it is or when a match was held are all indications you need to relax.
Maybe you can take a vacation and come out to California.

You knew I was talking about your Nationals, And you still have some good excuses.
I guess I've been out of place. I didn't know that Lou was our President. He is to be commended for what he has done, but what has that have to do with the thread? Were you written up as the waterglass or as Lynn, the talented shooter. James is just pointing out that Alan should have the pat on the back as shooting a great match and not his rifle receiving all the credit. I ain't saying the Indiana Flash can't build a rifle, just give Alan credit.
mr lynn, thats pretty funny! Your post about mr james speaks volumes about your poor upbringing. You have made fun of mr james for being in the hospital for tripple bypass surgey, you have made fun of him being on meds, and you have made fun of his mind may be slipping..... Maybe that's fine on the left coast but the elderly and maybe thats all of us in this case, well it's polite here in Texas to let them be.

Mr Pappas post have not been directed at no one in particular, he was referring to how disrespectful the Calfeeites are to the shooting world and the people in it.

Now i don't know mr pappas personally but he dang sure don't need me gettin into his business -he has pinned a couple of you in this thread pretty good, i just hope there ain't nothing wrong with douglas. Mr. Lynn you have been hitting below the belt for a long time in this thread, it does reflect on your Pops. just sayin joe :)
jGEE;509136 you have made fun of him being on meds said:
jGEE, I think you were trying to defend James, but I'm not so sure he would appreciate your post. I don't think his mind is slipping or that he is "elderly". You make it sound like he's catatonic and drooling.

Could you please define "Calfeeite" and tell me how they are disrespectful to the shooting world and the people in it?
Mr Lynn your a great guy so is mr Pappas. I like everyone that i have encountered here at Benchrest Central. Everyday there are differences of opinion on here, sometimes it does get personnel. My disappointments are my fault for setting just a little too high of expectations for this site. You cannot get away from the fact we're all people.

Even though everyone here shoots targets -guns are an instrument of death, for animal and human. It just seems gun forums should be held at just a bit higher of a standard than a car site or wrestling site. The gun owner image needs to be improved before we loose out ownership rites. I think eveyone here is a great representative for the gun owners, can we improve our image? maybe. When we loose out rite to own guns we will be blaming everyone else but the real cause will be us.

6 pages of insults to me is just a bit too long. Some of Bill's supporters are his worst enemy's, not purposely but unknowingly. To me you guys are loosing the Bill C. Public Relations war. When i first got on this site Bill was my hero, but it has gone way down hill, partly because of Bill partly because of his arrogant supporters. You guys have shoved Bill up my a z z so far i can smell gun smoke. You Calfeeites do your "tap dance" at the expense of other great 'Smith's. It is embarrassing how you guys treat others in the shooting community that have equal and maybe better skills than BC.

Bill supporters are probably lucky Mr. Boyer don't know how you Calfeeites are seen by a lot of people in the shooting world - my opinion your a small group disrespecting our community, if he did i doubt he would ever lay that new rifle in a competition rest.

Mr Beau, straight up answer no offense meant to anyone -you asked -my definition of a calfeeite is an Over zealous snob. No biggie, lot of snobs in this world, they have the right to their opinions just like everyone else. I guess beating up on each other is a form of morbid entertainment, heck i been reading this thread from the start!

This is a perfect example of the typical Calfee thread, nothing but drivel, just like his supporters like it! If you didn't like drivel why do i read it over and over and over in every Calfee post? You supporters have the throttle, too bad your on a one way track -i guess you just can't help the direction every Calfee thread goes.

just a view from the cheap seats... just sayin- joe:)
I have a good suggestion and I am going to hold each party up to their part to do it. Let's let bye-gones be bye-gones. The water that went under the bridge has long been downstream. You can't bring it back. So let's look to the bright future without looking back to only bring up what upset us in our past. ;)

Bickering back and forth like this is not doing anyone any good or contributing to this site.

Let's all get along.

Thanks in advance.

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Your's is one of the best posts in the thread! I know a few of the folks you spoke of and I'm sure you had a good time. I think some folks are presently suprised on how welcome new shooters are to the game and the lengths people will go to to help them get started. I always tell folks to come to a match and see how it is for themselves. I have never experienced any of the bickering that sometimes goes on the forum at a match. I'm afraid sometimes folks read one of the bickering threads on the forum and get turned off even going to see a match. After all, folks do like to read threads for entertainment where there is a lot of bickering going on. Just look at teh hits on this thread! I have a lot of friends who shoot rifles made by Mr. Calfee, and a lot of friends who don't. All of them are fine folks. Mr. Calfee does build a fine rifle, in my opinion.

I guess my point to the whole post is--yeah I guess there should be a point, is this. If you're a fellow wanting to get into shooting rimfire BR, pay no attention to the threads where folks are argueing and bickering and go to a match and meet the folks in person.
If I offended anyone, please accept my apologies in advance.
Knapper, glad you attended your first match! We need more folks in the game.

6 pages of insults to me is just a bit too long. Some of Bill's supporters are his worst enemy's, not purposely but unknowingly. To me you guys are loosing the Bill C. Public Relations war. When i first got on this site Bill was my hero, but it has gone way down hill, partly because of Bill partly because of his arrogant supporters. You guys have shoved Bill up my a z z so far i can smell gun smoke. You Calfeeites do your "tap dance" at the expense of other great 'Smith's. It is embarrassing how you guys treat others in the shooting community that have equal and maybe better skills than BC.

Bill supporters are probably lucky Mr. Boyer don't know how you Calfeeites are seen by a lot of people in the shooting world - my opinion your a small group disrespecting our community, if he did i doubt he would ever lay that new rifle in a competition rest.

Okay jGEE, in my opinion you are out of line and totally wrong in your assumptions. First of all this thread started as a post from on friend to another. Both knew what was being said and understood one another. It seemed like a good place for match results and I put them on the thread. My mistake. However, this thread was not started or initiated by Bill Calfee to promote himself. Trust me, he needs no promotion to sell his rifles or his services. There is no Bill Calfee public relations war. He could never be mentioned on this forum again and would do just fine selling his rifles and services.

The insults are between a group of individuals and seem to be par for the course for an internet forum. Not just this one. There's a lot of communication lost when no facial expression can be seen and a lot of things are taken the wrong way. Just the way it is. If it bothers you, don't read it. That's your right.

Calfeeites is an interesting word because I can't tell if you use it in the context of dominating Nazis or presecuted Israelites. However, I would contend there is no such thing. If someone read your comments about Calfeeites and assumed that you actually attended matches, they may also assume that there is a physical seperation of shooters into little gangs. Nothing could be further from the truth. You really need to attend a match.

Moreover, I don't understand the "tap dance" that is done at the expense of other gunsmiths. Bill Calfee will congratulate shooter's using his rifles. He's done that for years. There is nothing to stop another gunsmith from doing the same and, frankly, if they did I wouldn't blame them. It is a great verification of their work when someone wins with a gun they built. If it were me, I would be proud. Most choose not to congratulate shooters using their guns and I respect that. However, using your logic, you could come to the conclusion that they are too lazy or simply don't care. Again, I think that would be way off base.

I don't think you would find anybody using a Calfee rifle that would tell you that no other smith can build as good, or better rifle. A few that come to mind are Richard Gorham, Roger Brock, Gene Davis, and I'm sure there are others. I've seen guns built by each of these smiths clean house at matches and I have respect for their work. You can bet, however, that they have a following of shooters who would go to no other smith.

In conclusion (for that part), in case you didn't get it, your comments are off base.

As far as Mr. Boyer, I consider myself neither lucky nor unlucky if he chooses to, or not to, shoot rimfire with a Calfee rifle or any other rifle. That is his decision. I have no worship for the man and I'm sure he has none for me.
"bull crap"

Why not just cut out all this crap and go to a match and try to beat the best rifles and gunsmith instead of trying to win a war of words?
Why not just cut out all this crap and go to a match and try to beat the best rifles and gunsmith instead of trying to win a war of words?

Well, cause you're hard to beat Gene. Haven't you heard that song about what you can be on the internet.
Except I go to compete against the best shooters and the equipment or smith is never part of the equation.


I would have to disagree with that. Otherwise, you could take any .22 and perform the same. The smith (even if it's a factory smith) and the equipment are part of the equation. Unless you're just shooting for the fun of it of course.