Keep an eye on Pete Wass

The winner of $1.35Billion in the Maine lottery has come forth but chose to remain anonymous. If we see a flurry of gun buying by Pete Wass, we’ll know for sure.
Somebody was bound to find out:(

I'll still remain in the shadows for awhile.:)

Just got back from a 5 day Walkabout to Key West, then to the west coast up to Zephyrhills and today Across Rt 50, 19, 11 and then Rt 1. This is definitely my last trip to Key West and I will never again drive on I-75.I 75 through Florida needs at a minimum 6 lanes. Florida has outgrown it's roads. It has become like CA in that regard. Still plenty of room to expand housing but the State has to re-think it's roads, IMHO.

I'll still remain in the shadows for awhile.:)

Just got back from a 5 day Walkabout to Key West, then to the west coast up to Zephyrhills and today Across Rt 50, 19, 11 and then Rt 1. This is definitely my last trip to Key West and I will never again drive on I-75.I 75 through Florida needs at a minimum 6 lanes. Florida has outgrown it's roads. It has become like CA in that regard. Still plenty of room to expand housing but the State has to re-think it's roads, IMHO.

Yep, i've driven from Miami to Key West a few times. Parking is so scarce in Key West that a parking lot is a smart investment there. But I love the VIBE there !!!
I used to

Yep, i've driven from Miami to Key West a few times. Parking is so scarce in Key West that a parking lot is a smart investment there. But I love the VIBE there !!!

BUT, My Spousal Alternative had sciatica this trip so walking was next to impossible. I doubt we'll go back.
