Jim Pherson has left the Range


Steve Lloyd
It’s with sad heart that I post this here. Jim Pherson A Good Friend and Great Rimfire shooter has left the range. He’s had health problems for a few years, but never let it slow him down. He was a IR 50/50 shooter and traveled all over shooting and competing against the best. Prayers for his family at this sad time.
Sorry to here that, Steve. I met Jim maybe 20 years ago and thought at that time that they didn’t come any better, present company excepted. The good guys leave too early.
MY Condolences

I got to meet Jim years ago now in at Jacksonville and conversed with him via the computer some as well. He will be missed, to say the least. Godspeed Jim.

So sorry to here that of Jim, shot many matches with Jim he ran the matches at Bed Brush in Ind. Rest in peace Jim I will have you in my paryers.
Jim's passing diminishes us greatly. Jim was a great competitor and friend to all. No doubt, if there's a good place to go, Jim is there!
Sorry to hear about James passing . We have enjoyed his company at the Red Brush range . I still remember his take on the range " The range of gentle breezes " with he said with a straight face . Ride on James