jgs 1045 fl size die


Active member
This might not be the place for this but I am hoping it will be ok just this once. Fellas I need a fl size die for a chamber cut with a jgs 1045 reamer. My harrels isn't quite right and I no this is a fairly common reamer so I was hoping someone might have something they could spare. If you can help it would be much appreciated. Thanks lee

What kind of problem(s) are you having with your Harrell's die?
All my chambers are 1045---I use a #2 Harrell's FL, and have yet to have an issue----are you using a #2?
Give Linwood a call and discuss your problem(s) w/him----he may have an answer/solution.

Good Luck,
Keith in NC
I agree with the previous writer, I use #2 as well and have never had any problems and all my chambers are cut with the same reamer. I had a period were I did use the #2,5 however I was not able to find any benefit from using it so why bother?
mine is a 2.5 harrels. I have to bump the shoulders back .003 before i can get the brass to chamber and even then there is a bit of a crush fit. So with that said i would have to go .004 before i get the feel i desire. I just dont think it is a good match for my reamer/chamber. Granted the rifle is shooting ok but maybe it will be even better once i get the proper die set up? Lee

Do you have the little brass thing that comes with a Harrell's die?
If you do, measure a sized case and post the measurement.
I will measure one of mine when I get home from work tonight if you want me to, and we can compare measurements to see if your barrel has been short chambered----the reason I say this, is that I used to use a 2.5 die but noticed that it sized the body too much at the shoulder/body juction and wouldn't bump the shoulder back the desired .002 that I try to achieve. I hope this makes sense.

Good Luck,
Keith in NC
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Lee, are you removing the primers before measuring the base-to-datum on a fired case? A fired primer (still in the case) can add a couple of thou. to your figure....possibly making your .003 bump actually more like .001-ish.

Apologies in advance if you're already doing this..... -Al
If you are actually pushing shoulder back .004" you may encounter other problems, like case head separations, usually at very inconvenient times.
I just sent one back because it wasn't sizing properly, and at the SS too ! They plug gauged the one I sent them, and it was .002 oversized. They sent me another.
Sorry for the delay in response. Yes i have the brass collar but all my stuff is out at the range so i can get a measurement at this time. The primers are removed before measuring. I learned that lesson long ago. The hard way i might add!! Anyway, i think i just need another die. This die works for one chamber i do have that hasnt been converted over to my new reamer yet so i dont want to send it back to harrels. I suppose i need to either send them some more brass or buy the Small base die Kevin spoke of. Does anyone here have a SB die i could purchase? thanks men! Lee

will .004 really cause separation? The reason i ask, is that the new Norma brass i have been buying blows out .008 on the first firing. Maybe one time at this amount wont hurt anything?? I really like the brass and i hope to continue using it. I like not having to fire my brass two times before it is match ready. even though the brass is blowing out .008 it still shoots pretty dam good on the first firing. Actually it shoots great! Lee
When I resize with the Redding small base body die, they squeeze the shoulder to much and the case increase in length. After firing the shoulder measure .334" and after resizing they measure .329". Maybe send the case to Newlon/Harrels after tree firings is a good idea.
Troy Newlon does not sell dies. He sells die blanks (the very best), that have to be chambered, and if for a FL die, hardened, or hard coated. Interesting info. on the Redding small base. Before I had my first 6PPC chamber cut, I bought my own reamer. Turns out to have been a very good idea.
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will .004 really cause separation? The reason i ask, is that the new Norma brass i have been buying blows out .008 on the first firing. Maybe one time at this amount wont hurt anything?? I really like the brass and i hope to continue using it. I like not having to fire my brass two times before it is match ready. even though the brass is blowing out .008 it still shoots pretty dam good on the first firing. Actually it shoots great! Lee

You are using Norma brass to make PPC cases? Could that be the problem you are having that most others seem to not have?
will .004 really cause separation? The reason i ask, is that the new Norma brass i have been buying blows out .008 on the first firing. Maybe one time at this amount wont hurt anything?? I really like the brass and i hope to continue using it. I like not having to fire my brass two times before it is match ready. even though the brass is blowing out .008 it still shoots pretty dam good on the first firing. Actually it shoots great! Lee

If you repeatedly push shoulder back too much and brass stretches each firing eventually it gets too thin and gives up. I had this happen with my 30x47 I should have realized it when I had to trim my necks every 3rd or 4th firing but it did not sink in until in the middle of a GH match where I was doing very well I had a case separation. Most of the case stayed in the rifle and I did not get it out till next day.

That sucks!!! Thanks for sharing. I will definitely keep an eye out here.

I am using the new norma offering that comes fully formed 6ppc brass. I am going to do a little test tomorrow afternoon. I am going to size a case then i am going to cut the shoulder and neck " top half" off the brass and see how it feel when chambering. If the brass is still hard to close the bolt on then i will know the base isnt getting sized and that i will need a tighter die?? I will report! Lee
I do not think the Norma cases are the reason behind your problems. I have been using the same reamer for a few years and have been using the new Norma brass this year. The die itself works as good as it does with Lapua but does perhaps needs to be slightly adjusted on the length, but not the numbers you are talking about. And the difference is comparing the setting when F/L-sizing the Lapua brass.

I might add that I shot Norma brass this year and will shot Lapua next year, but that is a different story.
would you please share your experience with the norma brass that you are having? Some say it grows and that it needs trimmed more often, but i haven't found that to be the case for me. Yet anyway. Lee
When I resize with the Redding small base body die, they squeeze the shoulder to much and the case increase in length. After firing the shoulder measure .334" and after resizing they measure .329". Maybe send the case to Newlon/Harrels after tree firings is a good idea.

Hey all,
currently I am looking for errors introduced by my equipment (and technique) and it‘s very easy to even feel the obvious differences between my 6PPC Harrels die (chosen by Martin Menke based on fired cases) and my other dies.
Maybe I did forget a lot of what I learned from books already, but is there a good ressource of something like a checklist to identify issues introduced during reloading?
I guess there are some details on ShoulderBump etc in Tony‘s Book, but I don‘t remember a very long list of things to look out for.
Maybe you can help a rookie out here!

Best regards from medieval germany,
Hi Stephan,
If the brass is sizing the dia of the shoulder to .001" smaller in diameter than the fired size and at .200 above the base it is about .001 thou smaller in diameter than fired size, then adjust your die to set the shoulder back until the brass has almost no resistance closing (feel a little resitance in the last half of the bolt closing) you will have a pretty good set up..This is done with the firing pin and spring removed .This usually is somewhere between .0005 and -0015" of shoulder set back depending on how close your die matches your chamber.