Jewell trigger SAFETY test


oft dis'd member
Need some testers please;

I just put a Jewell HVRTS-A trigger on a rifle and noticed something weird...... I was setting up the trigger, changing the trigger pull weight spring (#3) and had the trigger mounted on an indexing setup. I had it UPSIDE DOWN to easily access the plug screw and was testing function when I noticed that taking the safety off caused it to fire.

Cocked action, Jewell trigger, upside down, take off safety, BOOM.

Right side up everything works fine.

Turn it over, put it back, everything works fine.

I can hear the piece flopping inside when I turn it over.

Now here's my question, do any of yours do this? Please take your safety off with the firearm upside down, report back,


Don´t have a HVRTS trigger, but the BR triggers that I have tried wont cock(or pick up) the bolt when cyckeled upside down. Probably some design feature.
Being simple minded I'd just never shoot the rifle upside down, but then that's just me maybe. :D
I check to make sure none of my rifles will fire with the bolt open.
Weird thing is, I called Jewell and they had no idea whether or not it was normal.... Arnold wasn't in.

Are you sure a spring didn't lost along the way? With all springs in place I don't see how anything can be loose. If everything is in its proper place I have no other ideas.

Back when Jewell made triggers for the Sako Finnfire they had a similar problem. If you touched the trigger when the safety was on, it would fire when you took the sfety off.

Jewell now says NO they're not supposed to be directionally specific, they should work upside down.

For those of us who actually USE our rifles off the bench ........

OK, I'll just stop there

Al, as you first said, it's a safety issue. What, if anything, did Jewell reply to that? And if/when you fix it, please let us know how...
Al, last time I spoke with Arnold he is never in, well at least in the shop there. He is reeeetirrrrred as he says.
His son runs the operation now as I understand it.
Upside down

All I know is I'm glad I've got good bladder control. You guys are too funny.
Does'nt the trigger come with a diagram. As already pointed out, it could be a spring loaded component that is not under proper tension.
Yeahh, I have a dozen diagrams from empty packages.

This is a huge safety issue. I can picture dozens of situations where I'd disengage the safety upside down.

(Sorry guys, I joke around a lot BUT NOT ABOUT SAFETY ISSUES)

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