Jesse Jackson

Our default has been to protest. And while that mindset has served us well, it has, in a flash, been made damn near obsolete by the prospect, even the likelihood, that one of us may soon become the most powerful man in the world. If that happens, how can we seriously argue that we're being held back by anything but the limits we place on ourselves?

Very interesting alinwa.

Jack White said a mouthful with that statement. Alot of truth in it.
Yote.............................................. .................

I think that's what scares Jesse and Al most....these charlatans have fleeced poor ingnorant blacks and brain dead democrats for it could probably all come to an end....where will all the Cadillacs and love children go then???? :D:D:D
Jesse Jackson getting pissy about Obama is the best thing he could have done! He got quite a few votes for Obama! :D

His days of shaking down corporations and being America's #1 "poverty pimp" are just about at an end.
I just wish Sen Obama had not accepted the so called "apology". I wish he would have told ole Jesse to go crawl back under the rock that he emerged from 40 years ago........jackie

If Obama is elected POTUS, Jackson & Sharpton's days are numbered. The old victimization routine will be over and they will not be able to sponge off poor uneducated black people they are supposed to be helping. Jackson can apoligize all he wants but his hypocrisy was obvious long before this remark.
Maybe Jesse can learn to paint houses and work with Jimmy Carter.
True character

Your true character is about what you say and do when you think nobody is looking or listening. Now, everybody knows what some of us already knew.

Unfortunately,I know a few people just like Jesse.


That's very true. A person's actions also speak louder than their words.
Well, it's gonna be nut cuttin' time shortly... If Obama gets elected, we're gonna have major problems, both here and abroad. And if either Hillary or McCain blows past him, we're gonna have riots.
Well, it's gonna be nut cuttin' time shortly... If Obama gets elected, we're gonna have major problems, both here and abroad. And if either Hillary or McCain blows past him, we're gonna have riots.

What a positive guy you are! :eek: