Jerry Masker Passed Away

James A. Kelbly

New member
I received an email from Jerry's daughter that on January 8, 2022 Jerry had passed away. Jerry was a shooter as long as I can remember. He was a Hall of Fame shooter and son of "THE GREATEST GUNSMITH" Seely Masker as Dave Brennan always said. Jerry I believe got all of his points in the Unlimited/Heavy Bench class. Pretty amazing since his eyesight was severely impaired. I will miss Jerry as many of you will. Prayers to his family and his obit link is below.

I remenber when Seely first did a job on my gun, I drove to some place just outside of Buffalo to Jerrys
place and pack the gun up and sent it on Seely. That was 1976 or 77 or it could have been 78 I don't know. It was just after that the law was changed so that Jerry got his lience. RIP JERRY.
Sorry to hear of Jerry's passing. Like so many of our Benchrest friends we got to know each other at the Super Shoot. We both liked to reload behind the barn with the Canadians(peaceful and amusing)and I drew a bench next to him more than a few times. Jerry's equipment and rifles all originated from his Dad's shop and I enjoyed looking it over and asking him questions about it all. He will be missed.
I will always remember Jerry as a quiet gentleman. Many times in conversation with him I was left with the feeling, that he knew something that I didn't, and he wasn't going to let me in on it. He always had a slight smile on, no matter what we were talking about.

That is sad, shot several matches with Jerry as well as his dad before him.
He was , as stated, a quiet gentleman. Probably rarely got in a word with Seely in the conversation.
Always amazed he shot with those 1/2” thick lenses….scopes always boosted to about 75X.