Jackie Schmidt Sets New HV 100 World Record .1118 AGG At Midland With 30BR!!!!!!!!!!!

This is Marie, Jackie's daughter and driver this weekend, and I would like for all to know that even though there is a NASCAR race on, Jackie is still out walking his flags and sitting at his bench. Currently he is being interviewed via phone about this AMAZING accomplishment. I am so proud of him!
Phenomenal shooting Jackie! All that time in the shop and at the range really paid off. That's going to be tough to beat.


FYI - If he shoots under a .2428 at 200 yards his HV Grand agg will beat the existing .1773 set in 1995 by Clarence Hammonds.
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Jackie, That is fantastic shooting, especially...................

under those conditions!! When I read the title of the post, I thought, "Well, I gotta read THAT one first!!" It really speaks volumes that you didn't succumb to the "choke". BEST of luck for tomorrow. :D :cool:
I hear Jackie bought all the rounds of iced tea everyone could drink tonight. Contrats, Jackie, Job well done.

I am so proud of Jackie. I guess that all the weekends at the range, my driving the motor home late night to get to shoots ( ha) helped him to be a good shooter. I am sorry that I am not with him in Midland to celebrate his success. I am sure Jackie is glad to celebrate with his granddaughters, Abi, Katie, and our daughter, Marie. I am in San Antonio with a childhood friend who had a two way bypass heart surgery on Thursday. Thanks to my wonderful husband for letting me help out Rose and Rusty. Papa Lambert, Jackie had Marie do a drive thru for steaks, and pork chops so they could have a picnic at the gun range. He has to be ready to shoot on Sunday. I am glad that the "few" hundred dollars that he has spent helped him win. After all barrels are only $25 so he tells me!!! Jackie I love you and I am so proud of you. Thanks for all the wonderful comments and the guys at the shoots are the best folks I know!!! Be safe driving home!!!
What can I say Jackie, except, You DA Man!!!

For those of you that don't know Marlyn's motorhome driving skills, she once drove one of those big rigs from Houston Texas to Canastota NY. And what happened when she got to upstate New York from hot, steamy Houston? It was 107F in Canastota!!
Great job Jackie!! Those 30br's are something!!! I enjoy mine very very much! Great to see one of our own here go above and beyond. Im very happy for you Jackie!!!!

Its nice to see good things happen to good people. I have learned a few things from what you share here on the board, and it doesnt go unappreciated! Its also nice to see hard work and life dedications pay off!! I am truly happy for you sir!!
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Congratulations Jackie. What a great agg. For those who do not know Jackie, his voice reminds one of a professional wrestler, and I bet that his laugh could be heard all over Midland/Odessa. Shooters with his enthusiasm are good for the sport and I hope that his measurements hold up at the committee level....he deserves it. Again, good shooting......James
World Record Equipment List and picture

Fantastic shooting, Jackie. Congratulations.
Was this with one of the new Rock Creeks?

Jackie's world record setting barrel was NOT a Rock Creek it was a $25 Kreiger 308 1-18. ;)

Jackies equipment list is as follows:

Lapua 30BR

Farley Action

March 50x

$25 Kreiger Barrel :)

Jewel trigger

Robertson BRX Stock

Schmidt Snubber Tuner (old marine bearing style)

Way to go Champ!!! :D:D:D:D:D:D:D

Here is a recent picture of Jackies world record setting score rifle piloted by Joe Dukes granddaughter Ginger at our last VFS club match at the Tomball Gun Club.

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Congratulations, Jackie! :):eek::) GREAT delivery under ominous conditions! When ya look in the mirror, pat the other rascal on the back! ;) RG
Dreams Fullfilled

Dreams Fulfilled
I called Jackie about 5 or 6 and he was still on cloud nine and I (we) are so proud of him and his accomplishment because in some way we all share in his record. Not taking any credit, but rather having received help from Jackie makes our own programs in some way more credible, we are more hopeful, we are encouraged that hard work, countless efforts with poor results, can in turn become the best Agg ever shot at least in our dreams.

We have all dreamed of shooting them all in one tiny hole and we might dream of winning, and now we can dream on and on about shooting the tiniest Agg ever shot just like Jackie.

Way to go, Jackie.
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I remember the meal you cooked for us at Raton. I believe you know what you are doing. If we didn't have support from our wives, as you so support Jackie, we wouldn't be able to accomplish what we do.
Thanks for supporting Jackie.
Way to

go and Congrats Jackie.

That is a feat that all of us will dream about beating.

One thing has come out of this for me. Restoring my faith in my BRX stock and that they are most definately capable of being a piece of the puzzle to a winning combination.

It sure would be neat to see a photo of those teeny tiny bugholes.........
