Jackie ... How many of the Tomball



matches this year are going to be Registered Varmint for Score matches? Is a portion of the club match a registered VFS match? Art :)

We keep our Club Matches separate from our Registered Matches.

The reason is we do not wish to clutter up the Club Match Format with a bunch of Registered Match regulations. Our primary aim is to attract shooters who wish to shoot in a real "Benchrest" atmosphere, but perhaps do not have the exact equipment list to meet the criteria of the legal NBRSA or IBS requirements. There are multitudes of shooters out there who have very sophisticated equipment who want to shoot in a Match, we are giving them a venue to do just that..

Also, It allows me to run the match in a manner that fits the occasion, For instance, shooters retrieve their own targets,and get into groups of three to score each others targets. Any questionable shots are brought to me, and I can put the reticle on the shot to ascertain it's true value. You can not do this is Registered Competition, Since I do not have to pay a target crew, I can keep the cost at just $15. At the end of the match, the shooters also retrieve their own their own target frame and stack them in the shed. This also saves wear and tear on me.

That being said, we also do not want to compromise the importance of the Registered Match Format when we have our Registered Matches. Every procedure must be followed to the letter as set forth by the Sanctioning Body when you decide to hold a Registered Competition.

We will have Two Registered Varmint for Score Matches July 17-18. We will shoot the Gulf Coast Region Varmint for Score, (100-200), on Saturday, and the San Jacinto Shootout on Saturday. This Match will be held in conjunction with, but completely separate from, the Gulf Coast Region HBR and Texas State HBR on Saturday and Sunday.In other words, to make it a two day event, we are simply having our Matches on the same week end.

The reason we did this is because we are VERY limited on the number of dates that the Club will allow us to shut down the range in order to hold a Match........jackie
Jackie ...

We will have Two Registered Varmint for Score Matches July 17-18. We will shoot the Gulf Coast Region Varmint for Score, (100-200), on Saturday, and the San Jacinto Shootout on Saturday. This Match will be held in conjunction with, but completely separate from, the Gulf Coast Region HBR and Texas State HBR on Saturday and Sunday. .....jackie

Is the San Jacinto Shootout a seperate registered VFS match? Will it be just at 100 yards? What time would you expect it to begin and end, since you're also shooting the Gulf Coast Region VFS at 100 and 200 yards on Saturday? Art:)

This will be a two day event. Gulf Coast Region 100-200 on Saturday, San Jacinto Shootout 100-200 on Sunday. As I said, the range will already be in use for the Gulf Coast Region and Texas State HBR.

Yeh, I know everyone is going "huh", but it allows us to have two Registered 100-200 yard Varmint for Score Grand Aggs during this one year trial period.

Shooters can choose to attend one, or both. ............jackie

Is the San Jacinto Shootout a seperate registered VFS match? Will it be just at 100 yards? What time would you expect it to begin and end, since you're also shooting the Gulf Coast Region VFS at 100 and 200 yards on Saturday? Art:)

There will be a VFS match & HBR Saturday 100 & 100 yards.
There will be a VFS match & HBR Sunday 200 & 200 yards.
Had to give them two different names to get-in a two day shoot.

The VFS is combined with the HTR match to hopefully improve attendance. This is all new and I am not sure how many will attend. I have a feeling there will be a crowd.

We usually start Saturday at 9:00 A.M. and start Sunday at 8:00 A.M.
Hopefully you would be able to leave Sunday around 3:00 or 3:30 if all goes well.

I can give you a run down of how the trophies will be given if you wish.

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Jackie, Gary, thanks for clarifying the two day event. Placing them on my calendar for July. Art :)

Do you break your unregistered matches down into two or three classes?

We shoot benchrest class, factory class and custom class. The winner of each class gets prizes identical to the other classes.

We do the same things you do for the same reasons. It's worked fairly well for nearly twenty years.

Dick Wright
We Do It Just Like You

Three separate classes, we give equal awards to all three. At this time it is a nice blue, red or white double streamer rosette ribbon with "Tomball Gun Club" on the streamers.

We also have a very attractive "250" hat pin for those that shoot clean.......jackie