It's finally time...


Jeff Aberegg came over yesterday and bought a lot of stuff, including the Ross & Webb press.

Pete... "You are"... I don't know what that means.

I replied to your PM. Did you get it? I can't figure out how to doublecheck what I sent when I reply to a PM... computer idiot.

This is the only digital picture I have of Fatso. I really liked that gun. It's got a good home now.

I replied to Ian thru the PM. It doesn't show up on gmail and it doesn't show up that I replied on the PM's either. ??????
Guys, the last time we shot IBS Nats at Weikert, Mike Walker shot HV, on the next bench to my right, he was 96, IIRC.

That is when I really got mad at Brennan. Jeff Stover had just become IBS Pres and had a pic taken with himself and Mr Walker. I tried to get dumba$$ Brennan to use it for a cover. Instead he put some cap&ball or whatever. No wonder PS went down!!

Jerry. I think, that picture may have ended up on BC. Nice picture......Or maybe on Accurateshooter.....................
Well, Dick, you could go silently into that good night, OR you come down to Dublin and we'll all meet up again in Billy's trailer. Then we'll sample some spirits from the little brown jug that got us right with the Lord ten years ago.
Man! your one of our one of our favorite BR people, you can't quit! Suck it up and carry on!
I replied to Ian thru the PM. It doesn't show up on gmail and it doesn't show up that I replied on the PM's either. ??????

Dick, gmail, the official mail pipe to Utah NSA, has nothing to do with the forums PM system AND you must have a check mark in the proper box just below your ready to send PM that says save copy in my sent items folder...otherwise it just fades away!!
Well, Dick, you could go silently into that good night, OR you come down to Dublin and we'll all meet up again in Billy's trailer. Then we'll sample some spirits from the little brown jug that got us right with the Lord ten years ago.
Man! your one of our one of our favorite BR people, you can't quit! Suck it up and carry on!

Charlie, did that happen to be the Apple Pie jug?

I'd love to come to Dublin this year. I've been there twice and there's some real good memories...

Last time I was there Brady was sharing his bottle of homemade peach spirits. I thought it tasted really good. Then, the bottle empty, he gave me the peach... that tasted really good too but the next thing I remember was waking up in the morning.

Yankees DO NOT know how to make good peach cobbler.

One night we went to the restaurant off in the woods... can't remember the name but it was probably a 45 min. drive. The owner came around with some freebee fresh-caught crappies before the entree. I still have a couple of the little notebooks they gave out.

One day I shot pretty good in the morning. At lunchtime the wind blew my Wind Probe over without which I was helpless. I shot a couple of bad groups that afternoon and said, "To 'ell with it" and went to bed. Being in good 'ole boy country really tires me out. Krupa told me I was nuts... "You're in the top ten."

"Not if I keep shooting without my Probe, Joe."

If I drove down this year I would be so tired that I'd sleep thru the match. I really wish I could but, just getting too old.

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Jerry you know what happens in Dublin, stays in Dublin. lol, Your coming down , right?

Be there Wednesday I hope. Sent my money couple of weeks ago. Be nice to see the Hoods, especially Cheryl!!

Oh, I talked to Matt Walker last night. It would be nice if they considered handicap parking for anyone over 75 and has 2 bad knees and Pi$$ Poor eyesight.

EDIT- Dickw, leave 2 days early!!
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If I drove down this year I would be so tired that I'd sleep thru the match. I really wish I could but, just getting too old.

Mr. DW, "too old" -- baloney! There will likely be folks there older than you. Plus, I'm looking forward to meeting you, and so is my wife -- we'd also like to meet "Her Lovliness," so bring her with you.

It takes a lot to admit that the time has come...........put down your guns if you must - but please, not your pen!

Vince (UK)

Your articles were always a pleasure to read. Having helped Audrey with the non-match-report content of the new NBRSA magazine, I can't tell you what a pleasure it is to work with writers like yourself. As you well know from your years at PS, good articles don't just happen. The sport is better because people like you share. Even if you're not shooting, I hope to see you on the range again.

Rod Brown

I'm sorry I missed you and Audrey when you were at Holton last fall. I would have liked to meet both of you.

I imagine Audrey told you... you take good pictures.
