It is B. S. To score 30 Cal vs 6ppc in score match

If the 6 shooters' think it is unfair to shoot competition score matches with the 30 shooters' why not make a scoring reticule of
.243" and the outside of the ring be .308". The ring would be .065" thick. Personally I'm happy the way it is.
Fla mac.
There is no "fair and equal chance".

You set the rules, then let the competition drive the solution. For any given set of variables (rules, bullets, barrels, powder, brass, hassle, et al), something is going to settle the 6PPC in a certain set of variables.

My humble opinion? IBS VFS rules ain't broken. Why try to fix them? Create new classes to encourage new shooters? Maybe. If it *really* encourages new shooters.

Part of the reason VFS succeeds, IMHO, is because it works with the way life is today (for many folks). Keep it simple. Just actively try to get more people in. I think the AR class was a good example, but am unsure how it's working out.

Greg J.
Greg, I have also been waiting on some reports of how AR is working out in IBS Group, we have only had one or two post on it. Maybe the stark reality of Benchrest is a little overwhelming.

How do you feel about the Gulf Coast NBRSA Regions idea to simply make the number of wipeouts the tie breaker if the NBRSA does seefit to institute Varmint forScore as a Permanebt Discipline.? While being a very simple change, I think it will add a degree of difficulty that many have not thought of ........jackie

I don't know that my opinion counts for much, but here it is.

On the surface of it, I really like the idea, but I'm worried that it will make scoring a hassle. Is there a way to mitigate the hassle? I don't know.

Keep the shoots to one day. Make it as easy as possible on the scorers, target crew, range operators, etc. It just fits with our lives these days.

That's just my perspective. It's mostly an "outside" perspective and one from the "shoot management" perspective as my dad ran the skeet tournaments at our gun club back home for a couple of decades.

Did I mention that the format needs to facilitate the club making a little money on the shoot or at least breaking even?
Maybe the stark reality of Benchrest is a little overwhelming.
Addendum: Starting out, I felt and still feel, like I'm sitting at the bottom of Mt. McKinley contemplating scaling it. If Jerry Sharrett and later Mike Ezell hadn't taken me under their wing, I don't know that I'd have made the leap from "plinking" at the local range. This board is a great source of information, but sometimes you just have to have someone to pick up the phone and call.
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yes ...but that has nothing to do with group nor is about the bullet hole.
sure as long as they use the INSDIE OF THE RING for thirty and the outside for 6.

life is not fair...there are rules in games...this game has one requires you to shoot a 6 in score,THAT IS YOUR CHOICE, LIVE WITH IT.
sure as long as they use the INSDIE OF THE RING for thirty and the outside for 6.

life is not fair...there are rules in games...this game has one requires you to shoot a 6 in score,THAT IS YOUR CHOICE, LIVE WITH IT.
Rules are rules, there simple shoot better than the next guy you win! Sounds like some are lookin for and EDGE!! pun intended! I think if you ain't happy with your equipment, you should change it. If you you think that will bring more people to the game I think your wrong, I think there are a lot of guy's that want to change and that will mean getting rid of equipment and it becoming available to people who wana shoot but cant invest heavy to start, that is just another way of looking at it. No rule will ever make everyone happy, so to those who aint, enjoy your next venture, and for what it's worth, we will miss you!I think most of choose this sport because it's a chalenge so for the sake of us who want a chalenge, lets leave things the way they were when we started this craving!!
A side note to Jackie. I shoot competative archery in the winter. In archery we us a tie breaker method called the "inside out" shots. This same concept could be used as a more fair method of determining tie breakers than the wipe out system that is common to us. It would work like this for us. Simply count the number of shots in which the bullet is completely inside the 10 ring without touching the 10 ring at all. In this way the 6MM would actually have the advantage in tie breakers only, because the 6mm bullet takes up the least amount of space inside the 10 ring.

Larry, great idea to further consider. (The inside out rule)
I just had a great idea. Let NBRSA adopt their rules and let IBS keep or adopt theirs. Then you can shoot whichever you want or both if you so choose. I am so happy I come up with good ideas so often. Aren't you? .

What a crappy idea!!! Thats old culture thinking Francis. Get with the program, EH.

Speaking of EH, I missed you guys and Gammon at Weikert.
The IBS score national begins Thursday and concludes Sunday. I'm sure this is exactly what the majority want.
Well *I* want them to be at Rockingham Gun Club in early October.

Oh, I'm suppose to have a reason? How about "Rockinghm is so tough it levels the playing field."
I did say Rockingham in October.

But the point I was trying to make, and apparently failed, was it has become quite common for people to believe that whatever their opinion is, that's the majority opinion. Anybody who disagrees is obviously a left-wing hippy radical commie atheist pinko liberal.

Or to paraphrase Sam Cassells, benchrest is in danger of becoming "a whine and cheese crowd."