Is the Match at Austin on for this Sunday??

It's on....

I haven't heard what the rain situation is over there. As of now, is it a go?

Spotty rain forecast until this Thursday. After that clear and hot which will continue through the match day, which is the 31st. Hope to see ya there.

I was at Stiller's a couple of weeks ago and it was still bad in the afternoon. It might be OK if you go early enough in the morning.
Need more information on the monthly match at the ARC.....

Good Evening to all, I recently relocated to the Austin area (living in Leander) from Westerville,Ohio and would like to get involved shooting some rifle benchrest. Are the matches group or score ? I have a 6ppc LV Panda. What is the distance? Do you reload during the match? Which targets do you shoot...NBRSA or ? With this being asked, I hope to hear back with some replies and direction on how I can get envolved with your matches and possibly others. I am enjoying Texas and enjoy living here. Thank you, Richard Ramsey
I believe the Austin Club shoots score at 100yds.
At the Dietz Range in New Braunfules we have group matches at 100 and 200 yds. Hill Country Shooters is our club name. There is more info on our website

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Some info

Good Evening to all, I recently relocated to the Austin area (living in Leander) from Westerville,Ohio and would like to get involved shooting some rifle benchrest. Are the matches group or score ? I have a 6ppc LV Panda. What is the distance? Do you reload during the match? Which targets do you shoot...NBRSA or ? With this being asked, I hope to hear back with some replies and direction on how I can get envolved with your matches and possibly others. I am enjoying Texas and enjoy living here. Thank you, Richard Ramsey

We shoot score at 100yds only using the NBRSA targets and the match is open to the general public. The match starts at 1pm and is over about 3:30. The gate is open about 10:45 or there abouts for set up. You can tell what range the match is being used by where the concrete benches are. Your 6ppc LV will be fine. A few shooters do use the 6ppc although the 30BR has taken over. Both "Hunter" and "VFS" shooters participate. Matches are always on the LAST Sunday of the month year round.

The range is prone to flooding and if rain is forecast for the match day, I will let shooters know on this Web site on the Saturday before if the match is cancelled.

Hope to see ya there,

Virgil Howarth
Match Director