Is He?

you think this is all a waste...

I to this day have my current CCW in Arizona. The gun laws here pertain to this state. The states have the authority to regulate certain aspects of who can have what and what is legal by way of state law. I don't for one second believe that Obama can have overturned the ruling of our high court. The Constitution is clear, was found to be of sound writing by our founding fathers per our Justices and we won. Unless we end up in another civil war in this country and the constitution is amended, no amount of Democrats or Republicans is going to change it. None of us know what will be in office when that person is sworn in. We can only hope that the person elected will hold the interests of "we the people" in high regard.

..of time??

You think a post or comment anywhere on these threads has changed any minds?? I think we all knew how we were going to vote some time ago. Is there anything I can tell you my friend that will convince you I think obama is really bad for America??

I have issues with obama and there is nothing that will change my views of this individual. I know what I see and I do not think he has any character & he goes against my conservative views on some key topics. Not sure why I even comment on it. I doubt I can swing any to the JM corner at this point.

swiftboating....that will do it:)

I will not vote for Obama for a lot of reasons, but where did you get this information about Obama being sworn in on the Koran? I don't believe that, from everything I have been able to find about him he is a christian, foolishness like this brings into doubt those things that are true and make him unfit for the leadership of this country.

Mr.D I voted for Bush twice and I'm proud of it. Can you say the same for those who voted for the coward clinton a draft dodger, womanizer, rapist, , liar, or the nutcase gore, and his global warming scam, or maybe Kerry who was a braggart and a liar who betrayed his fellow countrymen with lies and distortions. Yes the Democrats have a lot to be proud of.
Wasn't trying to insult anyone....

No where did I say anything was a waste of time. At no time have I said someone should vote one way or another. Where have I used language that would suggest a vote one way or the other? I have merely stated some opinions, observations and facts. Again, the words are twisted, misplaced or otherwise manipulated to suit ones agenda. I have not, nor will I tell you, you are wrong for voting for your choice. This is one of the problems with the manipulation of some of these threads. There is plenty you can tell me about Obama, but nothing I haven't heard already. I really do resent your comments.

...nor were the comments meant or directed towards you with any malice amigo. I was just throwing them up in the air as 'I' personally feel 'this' is a waste of time at some point.

I read my post again and didn't read anything that I thought was hurtful and if you took it the wrong way, you have my apologies. You are one of the very few on the other side (sometimes) who's opinion and posts I enjoy and respect. I guess I should not have quoted you for giving the wrong impression of an attack of some kind.

I just thought you might agree in some aspect.


Paul Fielder

Nothing has changed in that respect. There has been a great deal I have openly admitted to respecting from both you and others. Your apology is accepted with my respect for you. I work with numerous Texans at every outage (refueling, reactor head replacements, steam generator replacements) all over the country, both Democrat and Republican. We don't always agree, but we have something in common that we share everyday. The ability to work together and get the job done safely and on time. The key word being "together".
Does the name JUANITA BROADDRICK sound familiar? She was raped by the coward clinton in 1978, No he was not convicted because of the statute of limitations, but he did not sue her for liable nor did the government go after her for purgery when she testified about the rape during clintons impeachment.
I will not vote for Obama for a lot of reasons, but where did you get this information about Obama being sworn in on the Koran? I don't believe that, from everything I have been able to find about him he is a christian, foolishness like this brings into doubt those things that are true and make him unfit for the leadership of this country.


All due respect but Obama isn't a Christian. He can claim it but his beliefs say something different.
a practicing Muslim, but I don't recall him ever being accused of terrorism. He certainly had his chances to kill his opponents in the ring. Isn't that what Muslims do? It's a sad day and time we live in, in this country when so much hate and bias has to come into play because of the religion or belief of another. Obama is an American, and should be treated with the same rights and freedoms the rest of us enjoy. How many would really feel this way if this war on terror and 9/11 never took place? He may not be the right choice to lead our country, but he certainly has the right to give it his best shot without being belittled because he might be of Muslim decent. What happened to the fairness and freedom we once stood for?

I'm sorry, is your quote in response to me saying he isn't a Christian?:confused:

I wasn't aware I was making excuses for his religion or beliefs. I really don't know what his religion is. I do know based on statements from his website that he can't be a Christian. I don't know what religion has those beliefs.
your opinion Paul. Myself, I don't care if our next president is from Mars. If he or she can lead our great country back to prosperity and good standing with what used to be our allies, while keeping us safe and serving the country's best interest rather than for political gain, that's the one that gets my vote.

RStiefel is right on with his comment "BUT":

The problem I have with Obama is that I have no idea what he believes and what he is inclined to do if elected. His voting record is completely the opposite of what I would have wanted. All the rest of the votes that he posted when present to vote was "PRESENT". This to me shows that he has no backbone to stand up for what he really thinks and believes in.

We need a leader that is a LEADER not someone that hides when he thinks that it will help him get votes. Everything that he has made a stand on before he started his campaign and everything he has said after the beginning of his campaign he has changed his opinion on.

It is amazing to watch him (Obama) from ultra liberal moving to the center.

The only conclusion that I can come to is that he will only say things that will get him votes and if he is elected he will revert back to the beliefs that stated before he started to run for president. :eek:

I can't understand why the liberals think the American people are so stupid. I hope to God that they are wrong. If he is elected it will prove that the government schools have taught us to be dumb and down. :eek:

Just my .02,

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The only conclusion that I can come to is that he will only say things that will get him votes and if he is elected he will revert back to the beliefs that stated before he started to run for president. :eek:


I'm afraid all of them are doing that. Right on down to Nader.

Wouldn't it be refreshing to have a candidate that said what he meant, and meant what he said?
Most rape victims do not report the rape, that is a fact.
I only have this to say if he didn't do it why didn't he sue her for slander? why didn't the justice department charge her with purgery? if I was falsely accused I would do anything to clear my name.
I don't know where you got the information that not many believed her but you are mistaken.
I have no problem labeling him a rapist, not being convicted because of a legal technacality is not the same as being innocent of the crime.
We have voting records of them all. Obamas sure is different. Sure is scary, for me any way.

Now the big push on us "ignorant" voters. " OIL and COAL" makes us all sick.

Oh my God!!! We better stop using it. We're all going to get sick and die! :eek::eek:

Do you really think that the liberals think you are smart and have a "good" education. I doubt it!!!

They think you are stupid and talk to you like you are. Just open your eyes & ears. They do it right out in the open now and the stupid ones believe and follow. :eek:


PS: Not pointing a finger at anyone personal.
I think it is cool that the left candidate wants...

We have voting records of them all. Obamas sure is different. Sure is scary, for me any way.

Now the big push on us "ignorant" voters. " OIL and COAL" makes us all sick.

Oh my God!!! We better stop using it. We're all going to get sick and die! :eek::eek:

Do you really think that the liberals think you are smart and have a "good" education. I doubt it!!!

They think you are stupid and talk to you like you are. Just open your eyes & ears. They do it right out in the open now and the stupid ones believe and follow. :eek:


PS: Not pointing a finger at anyone personal. move towards the center & now the center candidate is trying to move towards the right. To GET votes.


we will finally get one in office that will actually do what he says. Wouldn't that be refreshing and a first in this country?
It would be hard to have a retrial since their was no trial to begin with due to the statute of limitations, that's one of the laws he didn't get made retroactive.
Your right in many cases suing someone is the best answer and that is one of the reasons our rule of law is as good as it is. We have a recourse that anyone can use.
A man with honor would fight to clear his name to the end, but you might be right about the coward clinton, Maybe he wanted it to come to an end. Maybe he was sick of the exposure. But instead of trying to clear his name when he got into trouble he bombed Kosovo or the aspirin factory in Sudan to take the heat off. How many people died to cover his ass?

My certainty is based on his lack of character, honesty, honor, and past acts towards women.
If it smells like dog crap, looks like dog crap, and the dog is standing over it im certain it is dog crap
Obama may well be unable to manage the nation's money. This would make him just like any other president in recent memory. Just how far in debt is the US right now?
No matter who the next president is, how he manages money or anything else will depend on how well he picks the people who will actually run things.
We wouldn't even be having this conversation if a long line of administrations, Democrat and Republican, had not run it into the ditch. Many people might vote for Obama just on the theory that any change is worth a try. I'm not saying this is a good thing, just that it is the way things are.
I can't help but think McCain is the more honorable choice but maybe that's just me. I think McCain might be more inclined to see better treatment of our veterans and that's important to us. Injured and disabled soldiers deserve better than they are getting right now. Regards, Bill.
Bill. On the other hand, Obama did a pretty good job of managing his own money as he progressed through life. He wasn't given his education on a silver platter. He worked the entire time he put himself through school. That takes good management skills. He was able to raise an enormous amount of money for his campaign. Again, not so easy as a Democrat who historically don't have big business behind them. Having lived in the state John McCain presided over as senator, and also voting for him, I watched legislation passed on more than one occasion that did nothing less than take even more money from the tax payers in Arizona. It is my feeling that both candidates are wrong for our country for different reasons. We can solve the fuel problem with the right kind of effort. We can end the war in Iraq by ending it. When we say "see it through to the end", what exactly is "the end"? There are terrorists all over the world. We are safer only because we are told so. You can prepare mentally for an attack, but it is physically impossible to defend against anything you can't see, or don't know is coming. That is the advantage of "surprise". No matter which one wins, if we don't change and change soon, we will become a country no longer feared by anyone.


If I am not mistaken what you said about Obama not being handed his education on a silver platter is inaccurate. And if we quit the war on terror ALL AROUND THE WORLD like we have been doing no one will fear us. I'd like to see a prize fighter put down his gloves in the middle of a fight and I guess in your way of thinking he would win the championship.

To me that makes no sense.

What a bunch of obama garbage

Here are a few questions for Osama Obama
What exactly is he going to CHANGE in the USA?
How can we trust someone with TWO (2) muslim fathers?
How can we trust someone who "belongs" to a racist church?
What exactly will he do to combat the islamic threat to the USA and to other countries?
What kind of tax structure does he propose for us?
How will he reform social security?
What does he propose for health care and how do we pay?
What will he do to upgrade and reform our military?
What does he propose for homosexual marriage?
What does he propose for gun control?
What will he do to control illegal immigration, to control the border, to deal with the millions of illegal immigrants in the USA?
What is he doing about the energy problem?
What is his position on drilling for oil in the USA and offshore?
plus one hundred more questions concerning the future of the USA.