Is bedding needed ?


New member
I have a new Cooper TRP-3 on the way. Is additional action/stock bedding needed? Is it a do it yourself job or is a gunsmith needed? If I can do it, where do I get materials & instructions?
The TRP-3 comes with a synthetic stock made by Bell and Carlson. I'd suggest that you will want to look at the bedding. Midway can supply all the material you'll need. It also has a heavy trigger pull for a BR rifle unfortunately you can't adjust the factory trigger down below 1lb, The Jard replacement will solve that problem for you.
I ordered the Jard 2 oz. trigger at the same time as the rifle. I'm awaiting word from Cooper re. the stock. Bell & Carlson makes a line referred to as "Medalist" which incorporates an integral aluminum bedding block. If the stock supplied by Cooper is of this configuration, I am hopeful that additional bedding work will not be required. I think B & C has a reputation for precision design & mfg. My original post was submitted thinking someone out there might have a TRP-3 and respond with their personal experience. Many thanks for your input, Hambone.
The fiist 250 I shot was with aTRP-3....not bedded...........Jard Trigger, on your new purchase I would shoot it first.
Lets hope you get lucky. The factory fitted stock doesn't look like any of the B&C Medalist stocks that I've seen.
I used to own one and it comes bedded from cooper. The job they did was good. I was going to redo the bedding the way I do my other guns but felt it a waste of time for the little improvement I may or may not get from it. I would leave it the way that it is.
Did they make a TRP-3 with a wooden stock? The first I'm familiar with had a red stock, the later green stock shot much better.
They made very few. less than 20 before switching to the B&C stocks. I've only see photos of the wooden stocked early production rifles but they certainly looked attractive rifles.

the TRP-3 comes bedded from the factory, and they do a very good job. i wish i would have got in on one of the wood stocked ones, but i got #31 of the green ones, and personally am not a fan of the color! lol oh, and just to clear up, you can certainly get the factory trigger on the TRP-3 well below a pound. you may not get it down to 2 oz, but 8-10 oz's is doable without opening up the trigger.
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They made very few. less than 20 before switching to the B&C stocks. I've only see photos of the wooden stocked early production rifles but they certainly looked attractive rifles.


That's actually incorrect, the wood stock deal was completely unique and unrelated to the B&C stocks. The first ones were red McMillans that somehow came through without pillars, a bunch of finger pointing back and forth and Cooper went with the green B&C. The wood bacame an option about the same time.
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Some rifles shoot like the hammers of hell right out of the box. If it does, don't mess with it. If it doesn't, everything is suspect until eliminated. Doesn't matter if the bedding looks good as it may not be. Shoot a few groups as it is and start fooling with the screws to see if it changes point of impact, gets worse, or gets better. Alternatively, you can set up a dial indicator thingy to see if anything moves when the screws are loosened and tightened. If you need to re-bed the rifle, grind out the old and start over or you'll likely have high spots.