IR 50/50 - MA 3-Gun State Championship - Easthampton Fish & Game - Sat. 7/30

That's just cold! Geter Done! Mel, just a pound? Wish I could be there, tooooo many miles and toooo many hours to get there from South Alabama.
Breaking news

Penny said we have enough relish to spare a jar, so the winner of the three gun agg. will take home some of the greatest home made hot dog relish one can get! :D
Fiddler,Knowing Al it will be a small jar,Gordon says he will win the relish & he will share.
Your right Mel, the smallest possible jar...but it's the thought that counts. Right?

Just think boys and girls. Those big matches give away barrels, actions, scopes and other stuff. This is very nice, but just think, this is the only match in the WORLD that you have a chance at winning a jar of this relish! It's worth the trip Steve.

A little history of this relish. The recipe was given to Penny well over 20 years ago by an old gal in Vermont by the name of Joyce. We call it Joyce's Relish in her memory.
Steve,This may be our only chence.Makes you wonder how Gordon knew about the relish!
I know it would be worth the trip for sure! I'll be packing in the morn to head up to the World Shoot in SC. I plan on making the trip up ya'lls way next year with my lil misses. I'm being forced into retirement by Uncle Sam, so I'll have plenty of time to come up that way and shoot next season. After 36 years of Fed Service it was kinda hard to take that my job has been done away with. Oh well, plenty of work on the farm to do and I can shoot whenever I choose. Ya'll keep all the shots in the centers and Al don't show Gordo up too bad.
O.K. Steve, I'll be gentle.

It's about 24 hours before "guns to the line" at the Shootout at Easthampton. I have been fitted for a new Kevlar vest and am ready!

We've had some fun with this thread and I expect we will have some fun at the match. Good luck to all.

Al :)
Man oh man, you talk about COLD! Here Paul, Todd and I are down here already in SC and waiting to start shooting for real in the morning, and now I'm reading I have just wasted a trip as I have tasted that relish before, and believe you me, it truly does make a bad dog good, and a good dog better. But, please take it easy on the old soon to be Fosile #2 (Ye ol Folile #1 would be Mr. Ray Price).

Have fun boys and girls, and maybe next time we can all be there to witness the greatest shoot-out that ever was, even if it won't mean there being any more of the good stuff coming to bare.

By the way, my money is on Al!
